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i attached the draft can you submit your final Summary &…

i attached the draft can you submit your final Summary & Response paper here.  


ENG 111
March –, 2023
                                                                       Summary & Responses
This paper will discuss two key points raised in Kate Manning’s article, “Why I Use Trigger
Warnings,” in which she discusses her thoughts on the use of trigger warnings in the
Body Paragraph 1:
Manning argues that the use of trigger warnings is a way of recognizing and respecting the
emotional vulnerability of students. She believes that providing warnings can help create a
supportive, inclusive learning environment.
Body Paragraph 2:
I agree with Manning’s argument that trigger warnings can help create a more
compassionate and supportive learning environment, as they allow students to be aware of
potentially traumatic material before encountering it. This can allow students to mentally
prepare themselves and decide whether they are comfortable engaging with the material.
Body Paragraph 3:
Manning further argues that trigger warnings can help students feel empowered and
respected in the classroom. She believes that the knowledge that their professor is willing
to consider their emotional well-being and respect their boundaries can help students feel
more comfortable and secure in their learning environment.
Body Paragraph 4:
I agree with Manning that trigger warnings can help students feel empowered and
respected in the classroom. I think that when students feel secure, they are more likely to
engage with the material and ask questions, leading to a more productive and enjoyable
learning experience.
In conclusion, Kate Manning’s article “Why I Use Trigger Warnings” effectively argues that
trigger warnings can help create a more compassionate and respectful learning
environment for students. Her arguments show that trigger warnings can help students feel
empowered and respected in the classroom, leading to a more productive and enjoyable
learning experience.
Work Cited:
Manning, Kate. “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.” The New York Times. The New York
Times Company. 19 Sept. 2015,