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BaronStingrayMaster832       1.  Locate ONE credible source relating to this issue NOT…      1.  Locate ONE credible source relating to this issue NOT used in their post.Using any one quote from your fresh source, explore how it contributes to the ongoing discussions on this issue.What does your research add to our general understanding of the public conversations around these opposing perspectives?The topic I chose to writabout is the debate over whether schools should ban books or not. The effort to ban books are being unfairly and unfairly opposed between looks of Americans. Some people argue that having books in school libraries is exposing students to inappropriate things. Ronald Reagan “formed a Commission to study the serious effects of obscenity and child pornography in the US, and signed legislation isolating child pornography as a criminal offense in 1984”. Another argument is that books shouldn’t be banned because there not where students get their information from. “Asra Q. Nomani a journalist education advocate says “parents – not schools, teachers and guidance counselors are the natural arbiters of the timeline on which such matters are exposed to their children”. Allan and Sheri Rivlin, the CEO and President of Zen Political Research believe “our politics has become dominated by adversarial standoffs between extreme positions and efforts to delegitimize opponents”. I believe this source is useful, it is giving different perspectives from different people who have an actual impact on children’s education. They seem to actually be doing their research and giving not only factual information but also their own opinions on the topics as well. My whole belief on the topic is that books should not be banned from school. I do think schools should be taking out inappropriate books out of their schools, but not every book is bad. What about all the textbooks needed to learn? Or when your taking reading classes, shouldn’t a book be required.  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish