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Text to help support the response: Thalos, Mariam. “More…

Text to help support the response:

Thalos, Mariam. “More than Having Options, Freedom is Being True to Yourself”. Aeon, April 2019.

Truscello, D. K. (2009). It Is Not What You Know But Whom You Know: Expanding Student Social Capital Networks of Knowledge through Critical Pedagogy |

Coleman, James. “Social capital in the creation of human capital”. American Journal of Sociology , vol. 94, 1988, pp. 95-120.






Initial Post: Complete the chart below using information from the four assigned texts. Then summarize your ideas in one of two ways and include all required components listed below:

Define and reflect on the following terms:
People skills (according to Smith)
Social capital (according to Truscello and Coleman)
Human capital (according to Truscello and Coleman)
Freedom (according to Thalos)
Elaborate on the ideas in your chart in one of two ways:
Compose  paragraphs that summarize the definitions (above) and the contents of the chart
Post the following to the discussion board:
Completed chart with quotations, citations, and elaborations.
A Works Cited entry for the four sources
Paragraphs OR video elaborations on the chart contents (Videos should be a direct link; do not upload a video as an attachment)

(Hint: This information can be used in your essay!


Select a quote from the text that feels important to you. Paraphrase the author’s ideas and include in-text citation.

Explain why the quote is important and how it connects to your experiences.

Explain how the ideas are connected.

Analyzing School Success and Learning (Truscello)




Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital (Coleman)



More than having options, freedom is being true to yourself (Thalos)



20 People Skills (Smith)




Definitions of key terms are included in the post.
Completed chart is included in the post.
Response to questions should be organized into paragraphs by topic 
Include at least one quotation or paraphrased idea from each of the three readings.
Each quotation/paraphrase should include LA style in text citation with the author’s last name and page number in parentheses (Last name #).
Include an LA style Works Cited list with the four assigned readings included at the end of the post