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You work for an advertising agency. In the past, you and your…

You work for an advertising agency. In the past, you and your colleagues worked out of an office in the heart of Uptown Waterloo, but due to Covid you have all been working from home since March 2020. Now the owners of the agency are starting to prepare for a return to ‘normal’. They have asked employees to contribute their opinions on what the new ‘normal’ should look like. Content in five-paragraph opinion piece, discussing one of the following opinions: • Employees should go back to working from the office • Employees should continue to work from home, using the office only for client meetings 


Project Part 2: Draft (5%) • Use the outline you’ve prepared in part one • Develop the bullet points / ideas you’ve used in the outline into complete sentences, and paragraphs.




You have completed a five-paragraph text
Paragraph 1 is an introductory paragraph, from which the reader can easily determine the topic as well as the main points of the text. It is interesting, and will draw the interest of the reader
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 each contain a central point, supported by additional facts, opinions, and evidence
Paragraph 5 is a closing paragraph, summarizing the key points, and making your position/recommendation clear
You have checked your text for spelling, grammar, and word choices
You have used Grammarly
The paragraph is your own, original work.
Secondary research source(s) to support the point (quotation or paraphrase) are noted with in-text citation(s)
References are listed at the end of the text
You have checked the rubric for this assignment
You have read the text out loud to yourself

Project Part 3: Final Version (30%)

Use the draft you’ve prepared in part 2
Apply the input from your colleague (Week 14 in-class assignment 4: Proofreading and Editing, 5%)



You have completed a five-paragraph text
Your text is on the topic and in the style of one of the two options presented to you
Paragraph 1 is an introductory paragraph, from which the reader can easily determine the topic as well as the main points of the text. It is interesting, and will draw the interest of the reader
Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 each contain a central point, supported by additional facts, opinions, and evidence
Paragraph 5 is a closing paragraph, summarizing the key points, and making your position/recommendation clear
You have edited your assignment
You have proofread your assignment
You have considered the opinions of your colleague from the week 14 in-class editing and proofreading assignment
You have read the text out loud to yourself
You have used Grammarly
The paragraph is your own, original work.
Secondary research source(s) to support the point (quotation or paraphrase) are noted with in-text citation(s)
References are listed at the end of the text
You have checked the rubric for this assignment