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You will see a written example as well as an image for each…

You will see a written example as well as an image for each question.  Both are the same logical fallacy.

Carefully read each of the following arguments and fill in the blank with the type of logical fallacy that is present.

Remember to spell correctly.  Use all lowercase.  Write in the logical fallacy and do not use a, an, or the.

You will use each of the logical fallacies just once so make sure to have this list nearby:

Logical Fallacies List

1. appeal to false authority
2. appeal to pity
3. appeal to fear
4. personal attack (ad hominem)
5. poisoning the well
6. bandwagon (ad populum)
7. circular reasoning
8. common sense
9. contradiction
10. equivocation
11. false cause (questionable cause)
12. false dilemma (black or white)
13. hasty generalization
14. loaded question
15. pointing to another wrong
16. questionable statistic
17. red herring
18. slippery slope
19. straw man
20. weak analogy


Flag question: 

Question 1


a. They are supposed to be discussing the budget, but that right-wing radio commentator is a black-hearted, lie-spewing beast.




The type of logical fallacy is  ______________________. 




Flag question: 

Question 2



a. “Yes, professor, I was texting in class instead of listening to your lecture, but it was about work and if I don’t respond, I can lose my job, and then how will I pay my rent? I have no money and cannot get a student loan.”




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 




Flag question: 

Question 3



a. The average American secretly thinks about leaving their job 5.5 times a day.




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 




Flag question: 

Question 4


a. He beats his wife, hits his kids, and kicks his dog. However, he is a good man.





The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 




Flag question: 

Question 5


a. Dad to son:

“You have two choices for life after high school. Either you can get a job delivering pizza, or you can join the army.”




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 6


a. If I eat this donut today, I’ll probably eat another donut tomorrow. If I eat one donut tomorrow, I might eat several donuts the next day. If I eat several donuts, it won’t be long before I’m eating cookies and chocolate cake every day. My diet will quickly go out the window and I’ll get morbidly obese.



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________..



Flag question: 

Question 7


a. The new iPhone is like a Swiss Army Knife.  You can do so many things with it.




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 8


a. When I was young, my dad and brother never helped with the household chores. All men are useless in the house. 




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 9


a. Every time I wash my car it rains, so by washing my car, I am causing the rain.




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 10



Question to Diplomat from China: “What about the human rights violation in the Northern Region?”

Response: “I can’t understand why the U.S. government accuses China of human rights violations when the United States has the highest violent crime rate in the world. Why can’t the U.S. protect the rights of innocent people from random violence? There are so many deaths caused by this lack of action in the U.S.



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 11


a. So are you going to vote for that incompetent candidate?



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 12


 a. This test is hard because it is too difficult. 



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 13


a. “I just went to see that new movie and I know you are going to see it tonight, but it was the worst movie ever!”  



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question: 

Question 14


a, Everybody is on social media. You should be, too.





The type of logical fallacy is ______________________..



Flag question: 

Question 15


a. There is no need for additional taxes for education. Every year we throw more money into education, and all they do is hire more management and build more buildings. None of the money actually reaches the classroom or is really used for education. 



The type of logical fallacy is ______________________.



Flag question: 

Question 16


a. “Biden is going to take all of our guns!”




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question:

 Question 17


a. A commercial for a security company shows someone breaking into a home in the middle of the night. Then urges the audience to install the security system to avoid home burglaries.




The type of logical fallacy is ______________________. 



Flag question:

 Question 18


a. Some doctors agree that getting 8 hours of sleep a night is beneficial to one’s health.




This logical fallacy is ______________________.



Flag question: 

Question 19


a. For example, a billboard company might advertise their billboards by saying:

Looking for a sign? This is it!




This logical fallacy is _______________.



Flag question: 

Question 20


a. It is just common sense that if you hit your kids they will behave, so everyone should hit their kids. 



This logical fallacy is _______________.



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