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You can use your notes and all other class resources to complete…

You can use your notes and all other class resources to complete the exam. You will respond to both questions in the same exam response section. 

Question #1

Thinking of yourself as a teacher in the modern-day classroom, what do you feel a teacher needs to be successful? Be specific and detailed, and include at least one (1) concept from each week’s class modules in your response. The teaching concept that you select from each week can be very basic in nature. (For example, when using concepts from week #4, you could mention that a teacher needs to employ effective classroom management techniques at the beginning of the school year…and mention some of the ways/philosophies/strategies/visual examples/etc., for accomplishing this that you learned in week #4.) Please write at least three sentences for each of the weekly course concepts that you include in your response to question #1. Additionally, please be sure that you fully address each of the following course objectives that can be found in the course syllabus.

Course Objectives:

Students will understand how to develop a lesson and unit.
Students will examine the importance of appropriate and valid assessments.
Students will analyze the role of technology in the classroom and in the teaching profession.
Students will review philosophies of Classroom management; as well as feedback and correctives.
Students discuss key elements needed to be a successful teacher; including comprehensive material from this course.

Additional Outcomes:

Diversity Outcomes

Students will demonstrate awareness of cultural diversity when completing assignments and activities. 
Students will examine different teaching strategies that can be used in many diverse instructional scenarios. 

Technology Outcomes

Students will utilize technology throughout various assignments in EDOL 639. 
Students will incorporate technology into their signature assessment for EDOL 639.

Research Outcomes

Students will analyze research-based strategies and techniques for the modern-day P-12 classroom.
Students will incorporate research-based strategies and techniques into their signature assessment for EDOL 639.


Question #2

You will now reflect on your professional goals following the completion of your program. Harry Wong (2018) once said that educators wear many hats and that those hats can change throughout their careers. As you progress further in your career, you will likely want to pursue your Rank I or Education Specialist degree, and potentially your Doctor of Education (or Doctor of Philosophy) degree. You may also wish to pursue additional certifications including, but not limited to, administrator certifications (i.e., Principal, Director of Special Education, Director of Pupil/Personnel, Supervisor of Instruction, School Counselor, etc.) while you obtain those degrees. You may also wish to remain in the classroom and pursue professional goals that will help you to be the most effective educator that you can be, perhaps even pursuing certification as a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT). Any and all of these goals are admirable as you will be adding to the effective learning environments of your students and our future leaders. Considering all of this, what are your professional goals and aspirations following your current graduate program? Please reflect on your professional goals by writing at least two (2) paragraphs explaining your goals. Be sure to include plans as to how (timeframes, etc.) you might obtain those goals.