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You are your only audience when you are writing to _______________….
You are your only audience when you are writing to _______________.
When you are writing to ___________ ____________, your audience expands to include your instructor, your classmates, and others.
Two types of casual and conversational writing are _____________ and _________________.
Two types of formal writing are ___________________ and _________________________.
The ____________ strategy is used to identify the five parts of a reading and writing assignment.
STRAP stands for _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________, and ________________.
________________ are the foundation of all texts.
The writing trait which focuses on the way a writer speaks to the reader is _____________.
Researchers use the ___________ ____________ graphic organizer to collect details in a scientific writing.
The steps in the reading process are ______________, _______________, ______________, and ______________.
When you read about the author of a text, you are still in the ____________ step of the reading process.
KWL is an alternative reading process which stands for _________________, _________________, and _______________________.
The ____________ is the word part which is the starting point or base for most words.
The steps in the writing process are __________, ____________, ___________, __________, and_________.
Annotating a text involves writing ____________, ___________, and _____________ in a text while reading.
Facts and statistics provide numbers and data to support something about the main idea. 
True b. False
An anecdote is a __________ __________ ___________ used to illustrate a key point.
In a reading selection, you can find the topic in the __________, _________________, or __________________________.
The main idea in a reading selection is defined as __________________________________ that will be emphasized.
In a paragraph, the main idea is in the _______________ _____________________.
In an essay, the main idea is in the _______________ _____________________.
An implied main idea is a main idea _______________________________________________.
Major details explain a main idea, and minor details make the major details clearer.
True b. False
An inference is _________________________________________________________.

Direction: Identify each of the following sentences either as direct quotation or indirect quotations.

“Who is your favorite actress?” asked Veronica. ________________________
Frank said that if we want to make the game on time, we should leave by noon. ___________
After glancing at her test score, Jillian said, “Spring break can’t come soon enough.”
 “The virus does not discriminate; it attacks everyone exposed to it,” said the New York state governor. ___________________

Direction: Identify the specified part of speech in the following sentences; underline the words that belong to the part of speech:

Collective Nouns:

The jury listened to the committee and decided in three hours that the team was guilty.
The class broke up into sections for group deliberations.

Indefinite Pronouns:

Anyone can become what he or she aspires to be; don’t let someone tell you otherwise.
Several were interested in a visit to the haunted house, although none was prepared for the scary tunnel.


The third graders listened quietly while their reading teacher read the story slowly.
Children are always excited when they are traveling; but they are often very glad to return home. 

      Subordinating Conjunctions:

Although the Summer period could be very hot in Texas, the weather cools down considerably whenever it rains.