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Write a Routine Correspondence Assignment    Start Assignment Due…

Write a Routine Correspondence Assignment 


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Due Jul 23 by 11:59pm
Points 100
Submitting a file upload
File Types pdf, docx, and doc


This assignment is designed to help prepare for communication scenarios that will regularly occur in your career field. The goal is to have you create drafts of documents similar to what your future employer may have you compose (so that when you’re in that situation, you at least have a draft to build on).

You should use the resources and examples in our textbook & on Canvas to complete this. 


Turn in ONE, SINGLE .pdf via Canvas (save your file as lastname_rc.pdf).
There are 3 situations: two emails (30 points each) and one memo (40 points). Your responses total 150 points.
For each, you need to include the criteria listed below.
Remember, make up any information your reader may need. Really think about the situation and get creative. 
One point will be deducted for every grammatical or mechanical error.

Email Criteria: 

Email identification lines–date, to, from, and subject
Complementary close
Audience recognition
Appropriate email style, tone, and organization

Memo Criteria:

Memo identification lines–date, to, from, and subject
Audience recognition
Appropriate memo style and tone
Headings and organization


Scenario #1: Compose a Direct-Request Email (30 points)

You are an intern at a software engineering firm, and you have just received an email about a software engineering conference that you would like to attend.

Draft an email to your supervisor inquiring about the possibility of attending this conference as part of your work experience.

Include all parts of a professional email.
Invent details about the conference—hosting company, dates of the conference, location, necessary travel, and any other necessary details.
Explain why this experience will benefit you as well as your manager.


Scenario #2: Bad News Email (30 points)

As the chief information officer at Designers of America, you are the manager in charge of computer systems. Compose an email notifying employees about a change in internet-monitoring policies; the policy will be updated to include personal blogs that include any identifying information.

Below are some details. Make sure to invent/include any necessary details.

Many employees are going to push back against this change—especially initially. While you certainly sympathize with employees when they complain about having their email and internet usage monitored, you’re only implementing a company policy update—expanding monitoring to blogs.
Designers of America will become just one of the 60% (estimated) of US companies with such monitoring systems in place. More and more companies use these systems (which typically operate by scanning messages for keywords that suggest confidential, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate content) in an attempt to avoid instances of sexual harassment and other problems.

Again, compose an email that updates employees on the new policy and does not result in upheaval or a barrage of replies.


Scenario #3: Compose a Procedural Memo (40 points)

As administrative assistant to the office manager of General Motors’ Charlotte office, you are announcing the remodeling of offices, scheduled to begin one week from Monday and expected to last three months.

Write a memo to the company letting them know of the upcoming changes and the procedures needed to make the remodeling run smoothly.
Details to include:
This project will require the rearrangement of desks, computers, and other furniture, the sharing of offices, and much inconvenience as work proceeds from one floor of offices to the next. You fear that there may be a problem in sharing offices, even temporarily, because of some personality conflicts.
Employees will need to do the following work: Loose paper and files will need to be secured inside the desks before furniture can be removed. All books on shelves and personal items must be packed and labeled. Packing material will be available in your assistant’s office, beginning tomorrow.
Individuals who want to choose the colors of the walls of their remodeled offices should choose from the seven choices available: taupe, white, yellow, pastel blue, pastel peach, pastel pink, and buff. If they do not make their choice by Friday, their offices will be painted off-white.
Assume that all details, such as the remodeling schedule (tentative) and temporary office assignments are on a separate sheet attached to your written message. Although you need not actually prepare it, you can refer to the schedule.