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Write a research paper for me on “The Internet revolution” 10 pages…

Write a research paper for me on “The Internet revolution” 10 pages


Essay Assignment

Write an 8-10 page argumentative and personally significant archive-based research essay (this does not include the works cited page) using APA format for in-text and works cited page documentation. 


Your audience for this essay is made up of your peers and instructor in this class. Even though you chose a topic that is personally significant, you still need to draw out and present insights that have significance and value to your reader. 

Please keep in mind that this is a diverse class made up of different ages, backgrounds, and experiences. Your job is to appeal to this audience through tone, content, evidence, and style. Engage them; prove that your topic is significant and show them why they should seriously consider your argument.

Your readers will all be familiar with the content in The Curious Researcher, they will understand the conventions of research-based writing, and they will expect that you can correctly apply what you’ve learned about plagiarism, documentation, integrating sources, paraphrasing/summarizing, argumentation, evidence, drafting, revising, etc. It is in your best interest to carefully plan your essay and be strategic with how you choose to write it.

Formal Requirements

Your essay needs to be 8-10 pages long (this does not include the works cited page), double spaced, with page numbers, and in 12 point Times New Roman font. Since you used MLA documentation format for the first two projects, you are asked to switch and use APA documentation format for this last project, so as to demonstrate your ability to properly use both popular documentation styles. Your essay needs to include smoothly integrated, relevant, and properly cited quotations and/or paraphrases from at least eight sources.Most of your sources need to be archival sources, at least two need to be scholarly, and all of your sources must be credible. Interviews will also count toward your source requirement

There will be two required peer review assignment before the final draft is due by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25th. Please pay attention to peer review due dates which will be posted on your weekly assignment handouts. The peer reviews are a good way to see examples from your peers, get feedback on your work, and figure out ways to improve your essay before turning in the final draft.

Things to Remember

Essays of argument and persuasion always have a specific goal, typically to get the readers to commit to a course of action or to understand more fully the writer’s position.  At the very least, your essay should be persuasive enough to get the reader to seriously consider what you have to say. 

Argument and persuasion must take into consideration objections or counterarguments that the other side would offer.  You cannot ignore the opposition. Your essay must concede certain points; it must refute others. 

Argumentative and persuasive essays in college writing require convincing reasons and evidence.  Typically, you need to support your position with facts or quotations or logical reasoning.  This is especially true if positions on the subject are debatable.

Argument and persuasion in college writing should not resort to inflammatory, emotional, or biased language or evidence.  The goal is never to win at all costs.

Questions to Consider

Do I write with a clear purpose and to a specific audience?

Do I have a strong thesis that is specific, debatable, clear, and original?

Does my thesis reflect my main points and do my main points support my thesis?

Do I use strong and varied evidence to prove that my argument is worth considering?

Is my topic manageable (have I focused enough to develop my ideas with detail)?

Have I organized my essay so that the movement of thought will make sense to my audience?

Have I provided clear transitional statements or markers as I move from one example to another?

Does my title invite readers into the essay, not simply state the topic?

Tips on How to Use Quotations

Use relevant quotations help set up or support your analysis or an opposing view.  Remember that when you quote material, you need to place the author’s name and the page number the quote is taken from within parentheses: (Appiah, 2012, p. 20). 

Be careful that you don’t just “drop” a quote into your essay. 

Example: Plato is not the only classical author who understands the power of analogy.  “We may. . .regard the family as the basic model of all political associations” (Rousseau, 1999, p. 60).  Analogies are powerful in that they compare something complex and conceptual with something familiar. 

So, what is wrong with this example?  The connection between the ideas may be clear, but as the writer, it is your job to integrate the thoughts and ideas of others into your own writing seamlessly.  You need to set up the quote, provide the quote, and explain the quote. 

Here is a better version of the previous example: Plato is not the only classical author who understands the power of analogy.  French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseu (1990) uses an analogy to make a point about the roots of government: “We may . . . regard the family as the basic model of all political associations” (p. 60).  Rousseau uses analogy to explain similarities between the governed and the governing and the comparable relationships that exist within a family.  Analogies are powerful in that they compare something complex and conceptual with something familiar. 


APA Appendix in TCR has information and examples on in-text documentation, formatting the essay, and creating a works cited page. It also has an example of a research essay written by a student. Please refer to this resource frequently while you are writing your research paper.

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) from Purdue is an excellent resource for research, writing, and documentation:


There are a number of excellent resources available within D2L Content under the “Academic Essay and MLA Documentation Resources” module.

If you would like an objective and qualified tutor to look at your paper, click on the “Resources” link within D2L and then “” There are options for asking question and/or submitting a full draft for review.


Post questions on the “Raise Your Hand” discussion forum or ask additional questions on either of the “Peer Review” discussion forums.

Schedule an appointment with your instructor or email her questions when you need help.