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SuperMolePerson673 World Religions: ( pages 2 to 10)   1.  Read the above pages and…World Religions: ( pages 2 to 10) 1.  Read the above pages and make summary notes on this section 2.  Complete questions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 on page 5 3.  Complete questions 1, 2, 4, and 5, on page 10  Image transcription textWhat You Will Learn In this chapter, you will learn about thepossibility of diverse peoples living together peacefully in theCatholic Church’s position dialogue as a new way for C… Show more… Show more Image transcription textDanielle’s experience of sharing a background-make up the fabricof the classroom with students from cultures nation and itsidentity. By law, all are and religions different from her… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDistribution of World Religions in Canada, 2001 – Catholic aProtestant l:l Muslim “” OtherChnstlans – ChristianOrthodox – Jewish l:l Buddhist Cl Hindu – Sikh – Easter… Show more… Show more Image transcription textMacBook Air 3 . For exp wo At eac to cel bel the ER Prayer. Inprayer, humans touch a core of themselves that wants to talk toGod. Here the most fundamental things about life are … Show more… Show more Image transcription textFor believers of a religion, their faith explains for them how theworld works and how reality holds together. At a practical level,members of each religion believe their religion to be tr… Show more… Show more    Image transcription textCheck Your Understanding 2, In your own words, state the fourground rules, outlined above, for religions 1, Define religiouspluralism, to live together, Think About It 3, There is o… Show more… Show more      Image transcription textby side making absolute claims without The Catholic Church hasdone so asking questions of each other. They from its beginning.To understand how must interact. So, in addition to livi… Show more… Show more    Image transcription textDi History of Religious Pluralism Places of Worship. Shown here(left to right) are Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto, Ontario, achurch in Saskatchewan, and Baitun Nur Mosque in C… Show more… Show more  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish