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Work Environment Communication  Resume Action Statements and Cover…

Work Environment Communication 

Resume Action Statements and Cover Letter Assignment 



This assignment is designed to give students the opportunity to revise their current approach to resume writing, through creating 4 resume action statements and a cover letter to a job posting of their choosing. Instead of re-writing an impersonal resume, students will instead work towards crafting 4 individual resume action statements that help to showcase their potential value as employees or colleagues. It is the intent that students will be able to strengthen their current action statements and develop new tools to integrate into future resumes. Through this assignment, students will also have the opportunity to create a customized cover letter in response to a job posting of their choosing related to their desired field. 



Students will be required to search for a current job posting in their desired field and write a paragraph on why this job is of interest to them as well as list 5 skills (in bullet form) that they believe the potential employer would be looking for in an applicant.
Students will write 4 resume action statements that accurately describe their skill set and or/experience in relation to their chosen field, detailed instructions on how to prepare action statements will be given in class. Note: You are not writing a full resume, I only require 4 action statements (as they would appear on your resume in bullet form) as taught in the resume action statements slides
Students will then write a page (single-spaced) cover letter in response to a job posting of their choosing related to their desired field.


Action statements use the active voice & make use of varied/engaging language                                 
Action statements specify relevant activities and quantify skill sets linking experience to desired job, examples given
Cover letter shows attention to detail, elaborates on resume and makes use of anecdotes to link experience to desired skill set
Cover letter is reader focused and asks for interview appropriately
Cover letter format, spelling and grammar is appropriate
Job posting and write up are submitted on time and demonstrate a careful consideration for the employer’s needs, skills identified  are relevant