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why homework shouldn’t be a thing. Below is what i have so far i…

why homework shouldn’t be a thing. Below is what i have so far i just need more added to it.




Grade school shouldn’t have homework outside of school.

Audience: Teachers/ that think that homework helps with education


Homework has never been something that I nor any of my students have ever enjoyed having to do. I’m not opposed to kids doing assignments outside of school, but it shouldn’t be mandatory. There is no benefits by having to do make up. A lot of teachers are giving students homework just for them to have busy work. 


Reason 1:

School is the time where schoolwork should be done. Kids are at school already having to stick to a structed schedule and learning for seven hours out of the day. Its enough! School should be the same as how adults go to work. When adults leave work, they are done typically come home and still must put in work to show that they know how to do their jobs. School is the exact same thing as going to work. We should have that time to be able to relax and focus on things that we love or other responsibilities in our lives. Kids creating their own craft and hobbies is just as important as it is for them to be able to read and know knowledge that comes with the education system. To keep on track about adults, a lot of kids have parents that cannot be there to assist their kids when they need help. I grew up with a mom that was going to work during the day and had classes herself after work. She was never around to help with my homework. Luckily, I had an older brother that could help me when I needed it but also, he had his own work that needed to get done. So, this alone in our household was a stressful task. One of the other things with needing help on homework is that when it comes to math it changes as the years go on. So, the way that I learned math in elementary – high school it is different now. How can parents possibly help when they don’t have teaching of a specific way to do the math problems. It turns into parents having to learn something on top of their already busy lives. 

Reason 2:

Resources needed for homework are different for every demographic. When you look at kids that come from lower income housing, those are typically the kids that don’t do as well in the classroom and struggle even more when they are at home. They typically don’t have access to WIFI or computers that they can use for assistance if adults aren’t around. 




Reason 3: homework is irrelevant.

When students already aren’t understanding the lesson there is no benefit to doing homework. They are in the classroom for seven hours out of the day feeling exhausted because they aren’t understanding the lesson already and now they have to worry about trying to figure it out on their own at home and turning it in just to get a bad grade.




Conclusion: There should be more time spent doing intervention then sending kids home with work.