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CountUniverse20712 What is it? This task is a report that analyzes the bias in two…What is it? This task is a report that analyzes the bias in two opposing articles.
1) Pick a topic from the list that is debatable (i.e. has two sides to the issue and can be
reasonably argued for or against). No more than one student can be assigned to a topic.
? Students may not choose a topic that has been debated over and over (ex:
abortion, smoking, gay marriage, legalization of marijuana)
2) Find two (2) reputable (valid) articles. You must find…
? one article that is for the topic (ex: Eating fish is good for you.)
? one article that is against the topic (ex: Eating fish is bad for your health.)
? students may not choose an article that presents both sides of the issue
3) Print out both articles in a Word document, being sure to copy and paste the website
address. Articles must be at least one page long (at a maximum of 12 point font).
4) Complete an Article Assessment sheet for each article and submit for approval.
5) Write a formal report that includes the following 5 sections:
Section 1: SUMMARIES:
? Write a summary for each article (5-6 sentences each)
Section 2-4: BIAS ANALYSIS:
? Choose 3 types of bias that apply to both articles (ex: bias through
word choice, bias through photo, etc.)
? Provide one example from each article for each bias (there will be
6 examples in total in the end)
? For each example, explain the intended effect of the bias in at least
two (2) sentences.
? Determine which article is the most valid and explain, in 250
words, your choice.

List of the TOPICS
Youth Criminal Justice Act
(should juvenile offenders be tried as adults)
Breast feeding in public
Privatization of liquor and beer stores
Should the voting age be changed?
Home schooling
GM Foods: “Frankenfoods”
Merry Christmas versus Happy Holidays
Mixed Martial Arts in Ontario
Bottles versus breastfeeding
Should couples live together before marriage?
Should the drinking age be lower?
Prescription vs. holistic (natural remedies)—this topic
does NOT include medicinal marijuana
Fighting in professional sports
The use of tasers in Canada
Animals in zoos
Child pageants
Plastic surgery
Subsidies for farmers
ADHD – to medicate or not
Should you be forced to wear a motorcycle helmet?
Technology has negative effects on youth
Privatized vs. public health care
Use of cell phones or I-pods in the classroom
Immigration – stronger policies?
Drinking coffee (effects – good or bad?)
Tattoos/piercings at work
Pit bulls outlawed
Video games cause violence
Casino in K/W (or area)
Plea bargaining (getting a lesser sentence)
Wind turbines (surprisingly controversial!)
Population Control
Spanking Children
Earlier sex education
LRT (light rail transit) in KW
Aliens (Do they exist?)
Exotic pets (good idea?)
Raising minimum wage
Junk food tax
Mandatory vaccination for children (Currently,
children cannot be accepted into kindergarten w/out a
Government mandated transfusions when refused
Arts & HumanitiesEnglish