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businessman shoulder checks me in the airport, i do not apologize. instead. i write him an elegy on the back of a
receipt and luck it in his hand as i pass through the ?rst class cabin. like a bee, he will die after stingi…
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You are in a constant conversation with a variety of cultures. Written word has the capacity to traverse time and space – and yours are no exception. This first task will involve your interpretation of another’s written word and your attempt to explain your interpretation to as broad of an audience as possible.
.  We do this by focusing on our course objectives:
•  Read, analyze, and evaluate a variety of  texts representing diverse voices for content, context, and rhetorical merit with consideration of tone, audience, and purpose.
• Apply a variety of rhetorical strategies in writing unified, well-organized essays with arguable theses and persuasive support.
• Develop varied and flexible strategies for generating, drafting, and revising essays
• Integrate the ideas of others without word for word  through paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting.

This is a five paragraph essay
• Introduction
• 3 body paragraphs (Body paragraphs should be between 10-17 sentences in length)
• Conclusion

Analysis Part 1:
Identify the argument the speaker makes.  Then identify the type of rhetorical method the author(s) of the poem utilizes.
• Argument to convince and inform
• Argument to persuade/impact
• Argument to make decisions/incur action
• Argument to understand and explore
Use evidence directly from the poem to show the argument.  
Analysis Part 2:
After identifying the argument, determine the style of language used. 
• Examine if it is formal or colloquial.
• Examine sentence structure used
• Examine if figurative language is used
What inferences can be made with the language used?  How does the language help show the argument of the privacy policy?
Analysis Part 3:
Think about the effectiveness of the argument. 
• Was this message impactful?
• If it was – why?
• If it was not (alienating or lacked interest) – why?

Make sure that you leave first person out of your paper- this is not an opinion paper, you are stating an argument and providing support for the argument.