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Using the section from Chapter 8 entitled “Guide to writing an…

Using the section from Chapter 8 entitled “Guide to writing an argument of fact Download Guide to writing an argument of fact,” plan, research, and write a paper that explores an issue of factual disagreement that is relevant and significant in modern society. See the examples on page 181 to get a sense of the types of claims an argument of fact paper might center around. Feel free to use one of the “Projects” prompts from the end of the chapter (page 186) as the inspiration for your paper.

In basic terms, your paper should identify a topic of significance about which there is reasonable factual disagreement in society, and then explore ways to get a better sense of what the actual facts of the matter are. Again, use the section from Chapter 8 to guide your writing; if you follow the steps outlined there, your paper will be off to an excellent start.

Here are some ideas for topics to explore–however, you are free to choose a different topic, if you prefer:

Dietary lifestyles (plant-based/vegan, paleo, low carb, etc)
Energy/power sources (fossil fuels, renewable/solar/wind, nuclear, etc)
Universal basic income (UBI)
Student loan debt forgiveness
Your paper should be 1500 words in length


I chose Student loan debt forgiveness

hear is my paper, please revise it

The Student Debt Crisis and Its Economic Consequences
In spite of the fact that student loan debt in the United States has come to an all-time high of 1.4 trillion dollars, there is no proof that understudy loan debt forgiveness programs harm the U.S. economy.With rising college costs, unpaid loans, and fewer grants available, it is true that student debt will continue to rise very high. The enormous debt that understudies have makes them unable to contribute to the growth of the economy. We all know that our economy works like a circle, and lowering the amount of student debt will help it grow. That money shouldn’t go to the government because it won’t be used to reduce student debt (as shown by the total debt). Instead, it should go to the community and be used to buy homes, cars, and trade tax, all of which will help the economy even more. Devastating student debt is holding back the U.S. economy’s growth because it keeps graduates from spending money on things like houses and goods. To make things better, lenders should have to forgive student loans when students can’t pay them back, college costs should go down, and more grants should be available from colleges. As a result, it would help the economy grow by raising charge incomes, opening up credit markets, and creating manufacturing jobs. Therefore it would advantage the development of the economy by expanding charge incomes, unfreezing credit markets, and manufacturing jobs.
Students normally have more than 30000 dollars in understudy loan debt they ought to pay back since of this obligation; The extraordinary level of debt makes it a problem forunderstudies battling to pay that cash back. Students may be required to mortgage their cars, homes, and other assets in order to repay the loan. As a result, if a person is unable to pay backtheir student loans for financial reasons, the government should think about granting them forgiveness. As a result, housing markets would begin to rise rather than fall, which would have a positive impact on the economy. The market for homeownership has decreased from 44.2 percent in 2006 to 35.3 percent in 2016 due to the impact of student debt. Mortgage lenders and the fact that student debt has such a significant influence on the housing market that it forces students to downgrade their housing expectations and take out a loan that is lower than what they intended are among the reasons why students accumulate thousands of dollars worth of debt. According to Lawrence Yun, chief economist of the National Association of Realtors, student debt has one of the heaviest effects on the housing market Mortgage lenders, in some cases, say, “Well, I’m going to hold back,” which means they don’t put any money into the housing market or don’t put any money at all into it. This stops the housing market from growing, which hurts the economy as a whole.
A counterargument to forgiving student loan obligations would be that where does the money that was presumed to go back to the government go? An arrangement proposed by
previous presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was to tax Wall Street, which would have benefits such as free public college, educational cost, and free student debt. The contention benefits over 112 billion dollars from students who really pay back their cash to the government in spite of having trillions of dollars in debt. Other nations and financial specialists have executed such programs and nations like Germany have profited from free open college universities. Universities and governments must increment merit-based help instead of loans. More meritbased aid will diminish understudies taking out credits which is able to help the development of the economy increment as well as reduce understudy obligation. Students who accrue studentdebt in response to government loans prevent them from contributing to the expansion of the economy by supporting business expansion and the creation of additional jobs. Kelley Holland declares in a CNBC article that the student debt crisis is changing the designs of economic and social education. Concurring to a diverse source, the president of Purdue University and the previous Republican representatives of Indiana have said that this delay of so much student debt has an effect on each citizen’s and taxpayer’s day-to-day lives, counting marriage, childbearing, acquiring a house, and beginning a business. The rising levels of student debt, as recorded in a 2012 report by the Consumer Monetary Security Bureau (CFPB), are impacting long-standing social and financial templates and modifying the way millions of individuals approach critical life occasions and crucial monetary choices. Another Modern York Times article, this one by Phyllis Korkki, claimed that understudies with critical student debt are incapable to begin a business. Also, as a result of their failure to put their cash toward businesses, students influence other trade proprietors and anticipate them from raising capital in the long run when they commit their debt capacity to student loans.
Taking into account the compensations of the university’s staff and organization, modern campus development, and student loans, Annie McClanahan offers an elective financial       arrangement to assist students in reducing tuition costs. She argues that these costs must be taken in order to achieve the goal of making the institution tuition-free. In her article, Christie Hazel focused especially on the monetary choices that students make or feel compelled to make in regard to work, debt, and economizing. There’s found to be a monetarily vulnerable group of students whose delicate budgetary position largely results from their parents being incapable to offer much monetary support; these individuals, in particular, find their time at university characterized by impressive paid work and expanding debt. Students who are in debt are constrained to form budgetary choices that are not as it were bad for them but moreover bad for the economy because numerous components influence their choices, such as whether they ought to purchase a house or lease one, begin trade, or purchase custom goods. Small choices like these can have a huge effect on how our economy works and whether or not it extends. 
The cost of attendance is at an all-time high because of this, understudies are incapable to pay their educational costs and are instep constrained to require loans. Due to the costly fetched of educational costs universities ought to consider bringing down the cost of tuition to not as it makes it more affordable and eliminates the need for understudies ought to borrow cash from the government as it will keep the economy from declining. Purdue Daniels has cited an “inelastic request” for higher education, which has permitted colleges to raise costs. Other individuals say that state subsidizing for public education is falling and private school endowments are goin down. As a result, both the government and private understudy moneylenders have expanded their lending. Both the cost of going to college and the government subsidizing have diminished as a result of college educational cost increments, resulting in higher educational cost expenses for students and more loans for them. Chen Rong and Mark Wiederspan conducted to ask approximately outline that more merit-based aid programs offer assistance to calm the stress of understudy debt burden. Rather than implementing more loans which can hurt the student crisis, indeed more, the government and private education got to execute more merit-based advances to assist avoid understudies from falling into debt. Making difference in students and avoid them from falling into student debt conjointly anticipates the economy from declining. 
The investigation demonstrates that the likelihood of disappointment among undergrad students declined when they have gotten grant support. These discoveries highlight the need to give more accommodating techniques for undergrad students to oversee and minimize educationdebt and progress their present and future budgetary circumstance. Concurring to the video made by John Oliver concerning the student debt crisis, states are investing less cash toward higher education across the nation which number is down 23 percent since the 2007-2008 school year since of this colleges are being constrained to extend the cost of participation which forces understudies to take out more loans. Giving too much aid and grants from the government and colleges might increment the cost of attendance. Expanding more merit-based help and diminishing educational cost and participation from the university constrain colleges to diminish the compensation for teachers, staff, and professors at colleges which seems to cause a few issues for the instructors and the rest of the workforce as they seem conceivably shape strikes and choose to not to educate any longer. 
The truth is that the devastating understudy debt crisis isn’t just affecting the students in debt, but it is additionally affecting the individuals who don’t have student debt since it affects the economy which affects regular individuals and their lives. To progress the economy, something must be done to diminish the student obligation or perhaps indeed dispose of it for great in the long run, but the as it were individuals who have the control to do so are the government and public and private colleges. We as a society, in spite of the fact that can help impact those high-powered authorities to take action because the actions that they seem to take won’t harm anybody instep it will not only diminish the understudy debt, but it will offer assistance to the economy to develop, progress people’s lives, and make more occupations since college is cheaper so, in other words, more individuals will go to college. The government should answer this call for help and on the off chance that they do not, we will see more individuals battle to pay off that debt by selling their homes, getting rid of their cars, and working 24/7 will make their lives miserable but will moreover restrain our economy from growing.