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MateFlyPerson873 Using the information from Module 2 on services in North Carolina,…Using the information from Module 2 on services in North Carolina, consider the most appropriate options for the children described below. When considering options, keep in mind the child’s development based on their age as well as any impact of their disability.Choose 1 family, and explain how you would share this information with them, incorporating best practices for communicating with families. Once you have posted, read & respond to 2+ peers.Lamont’s Team: Lamont is a 3-year-old boy who has autism. Lamont and his family have recently moved from a rural area because Lamont’s father lost his farming job. Lamont, his parents, and his older brothers are living with Lamont’s grandmother to help with the family finances.  According to Lamont’s parents, he has been more frustrated recently. They feel it is because he is having a hard time adjusting to the move.Tasha’s Team: Tasha is 11 months old.  She is very easygoing, smiling most of her waking hours. The only time she cries is when she is hungry. She says a few words:  Mama, Dada, bye-bye.  Tasha sits without support.  She is trying to crawl, mostly using her right arm to pull herself forward.  She can also push with her right leg but cannot get up on all fours.  Her left arm and leg feel stiff to her caregivers; she cannot seem to bend them much at all.  You noticed this when she enrolled at six months of age each time you would pick her up or change her diaper or clothing. Her parents noticed also and wondered why Tasha did not roll over until much later than their first child.  Tasha’s father is very quiet.  He says very little when he brings her in the mornings.  Her mother picks her up in the afternoon and asks every day if Tasha has learned something new or if she is crawling better.  Her mother wishes Tasha could hold a sippy cup and get around more, like the other children.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish