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Use this Outline FORMAT to bring out the OUTLINE from the ESSAY…

Use this Outline FORMAT to bring out the OUTLINE from the ESSAY below!




I. Introduction (At least of 5 sentences)
       A. Hook 
       B. Background information 
       C. Thesis statement

II. Cause/Effect #1 (7-10+ sentences)

       A. Topic Sentence: 

       B. Major Detail 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail

       C. Major Detail Two 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail

III. Cause/Effect #2 (7-10+ sentences)
       A. Topic Sentence: 

       B. Major Detail 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail

       C. Major Detail Two 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail
IV. Cause/Effect #3 (7-10+ sentences)
       A. Topic Sentence: 

       B. Major Detail 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail

       C. Major Detail Two 
                    a. Supporting Detail
                    b. Supporting Detail

V. Conclusion (5-7 sentences)
                     a. Restate thesis statement.
                     b. Remind reader of your main points.
                     c. End with a prediction/suggestion/observation/call to action

Read this Essay and bring out the outline.

The Philippines is at risk from several climate change-related phenomena, including increasing sea levels, an increase in the frequency of extreme weather, rising temperatures, and too much rain. Even though the effects of climate change are felt all over the world, certain areas will be more severely affected than others due to a variety of risks. One of these nations, the Philippines’ capital city of Manila, is impacted by climate change. This is a result of the country’s vulnerability to natural disasters like typhoons and droughts, dependence on climate-sensitive natural resources, and lengthy coastline, which is where the bulk of the population and the majority of the country’s major cities are located. Rapid urbanization and population growth increase the need for social services, make it more difficult to leave, and make it more difficult to recover from a disaster, which does not make the situation any easier.

                   The first climate-change-related phenomenon mentioned above is the increase in sea levels. The Philippines’ Sea levels are rising about twice as quickly as sea levels worldwide. Storm surges are expected to have an impact on the majority of people, particularly those who live near the coast. As a result of rising sea levels and more cyclones, the Philippines is predicted to endure more frequent and severe flooding. The second is the increase in the frequency of extreme weather. Typhoons are one of nature’s most dangerous dangers. Climate change is predicted to cause typhoons to become stronger, especially during the rainy season from June to November, when the majority of the Philippines’ regions are subject to periods of torrential rain, flooding, landslides, strong winds, thunderstorms, and associated storm surges. The third is the rising temperature. Due to climate change, the earth’s surface temperature has increased, which has changed the frequency of extreme heat occurrences. The Philippines now endures hotter weather as a result of climate change. Lastly, too much rain. Extreme rainfall occurrences were noted in various regions of the country, along with rising trends in annual and seasonal rainfall. The rainy season begins in June and lasts until November. The dry season is from December to May. A second wet season on the eastern and northern beaches lasts from December to February. More rain has recently fallen in the Philippines during the dry season. This alteration indicates changes in the amount, location, and pattern of rainfall.

                    The Philippines must prepare for the worsening effects of climate change, including the nation’s current hotter and higher sea level conditions. Despite the fact that climate change is a serious global problem, there are many individual actions we can take to at least lessen it. When learning about a subject as large as climate change and its effects, it can be difficult to know where to begin. It’s crucial for students to understand that they can make a difference in the fight against climate change. Student acceptance of climate change solutions requires them to take small, intentional actions that, over time, can have a significant influence.