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Unit 1 Literary Response: Plot as a Device Due Date: 11:59 pm EST…

Unit 1 Literary Response: Plot as a Device

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 1 

Points: 100 

This assignment focuses on your ability to: learn how to identify the plot devices of a piece of literature. 

The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student and a career professional, you will need to read and analyze many different forms of literature. Very often, you will need to report on those pieces of literature. This is good practice for developing those skills! Prompt (What are you writing about?)

 • After reading the stories in the unit, select one story to write an analysis of the plot on. Please answer the following questions about that short short story or fairy tale in three paragraphs: What is the plot of the story and how clear is that plot? What would you consider to be the main message of the story based on the plot? Instructions (how to get it done): 

• Write your response that details the prompt above. Be sure to analyze one of the short short stories or fairy tales in a short response with an introduction, one body paragraph using at least one piece of evidence from the selected story, and a concluding paragraph. Requirements: 

• Your response should be three paragraphs (does not include the title page) with a clear introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

 • Your response should have a properly APA formatted title page. The title page template is in the Unit 1 resource. 

• Please use proper APA format if you quote, paraphrase, or summarize the story by including an in-text citation after the evidence and a reference listed on the References page. Also, remember to use quotation marks if you include a direct quote. 

• You must use evidence to support your points in the body paragraph. 

• The paper should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Choice of fonts: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial,12-point Times New Roman. 

• Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use internal citations for direct quotes, paraphrases, and new information.

Must have a Reference page and Main Title of Essay


 Students: Be sure to read before you write, and again after you write