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INSTRUCTION : Write a critical reader response essay by creating a thesis and an outline. Use the journal questions as a pre-write for your essay. By creating a thesis and an outline your paper will contain the following:

An introduction with thesis: This paragraph will create a roadmap for your reader to understand your position. It will include the author’s name, type of text, and a short summary that identifies the central idea of the text.
Analysis: use the remainder of the paper to hone in on a certain element of the book and provide your opinion of it. This, as much as anything, is the “thesis” of this essay. You may choose to focus on different literary elements or themes from the novel or concentrate on a central idea and how the author conveys that message to the audience. The analysis should contain direct quotes or paraphrased examples from the book (all cited with page numbers) to support your argument. 4. Conclusion: one paragraph that brings us back to your entering statement and states the wider significance of this work to you, and to the literature.

Sources: the primary source – the short story

“Young Goodman Brown” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne that explores the inherent darkness and evil within humanity, the struggle to maintain faith in the face of temptation, and the complexities of the human psyche. The story follows the journey of the protagonist, Goodman Brown, as he embarks on a journey into the forest and confronts the possibility that his fellow townspeople are not who they seem to be. The story’s use of symbolism, setting, and tone contribute to its themes and messages, and the ambiguity of its ending leaves the reader with a sense of unease and mystery. Overall, “Young Goodman Brown” challenges readers’ beliefs about the inherent goodness of humanity and the power of faith, and encourages them to explore the darker side of human nature.


Plot: The plot of “Young Goodman Brown” follows a typical formula of a journey into the unknown, a confrontation with evil, and a return to the ordinary world. The story begins with the protagonist, Goodman Brown, leaving his wife, Faith, and embarking on a journey into the forest. This journey represents a journey into the unknown and the darkness of human nature. Along the way, Goodman Brown meets several townspeople who are revealed to be followers of the devil. This confrontation with evil forces Goodman Brown to question his own faith and the nature of humanity.

The twist ending of the story sets it apart from other stories that follow this formula. In the end, it is unclear whether Goodman Brown’s experience was a dream or reality, and whether he has truly lost his faith or not. This ambiguity leaves the reader with a sense of unease and mystery, and raises questions about the nature of reality and the human psyche.

The protagonist’s conflict is both external and internal. Externally, he is confronted with the possibility that his fellow townspeople are not who they seem to be. Internally, he struggles with his own doubts and temptations. This conflict between external and internal forces adds depth and complexity to the story, and allows the reader to relate to Goodman Brown’s struggle.

Character: While it may be difficult to fully identify with any of the characters in the story, Goodman Brown’s internal struggle with the nature of humanity and the existence of evil is relatable to many readers. His journey into the forest represents a journey into the unknown and the darkness of human nature, and his confrontation with evil forces him to question his own faith and the nature of humanity.


Goodman Brown’s wife, Faith, also plays an important role in the story. Her name represents the protagonist’s faith, and her pink ribbon represents his relationship with her. When Goodman Brown sees the pink ribbon in the forest, it represents his loss of faith in both humanity and his wife.


Setting: The setting of the story is important to its development, as it creates a dark, foreboding atmosphere that contributes to the sense of unease and mystery. The forest represents the unknown and the darkness of human nature, while the townspeople represent the façade of goodness that can hide evil. If the setting were different, the outcome of the story and the characters’ actions would likely be different as well. For example, if the story were set in a brightly lit city rather than a dark forest, the sense of mystery and foreboding would be lost, and the story’s themes and messages would be less impactful.


Symbolism: The author uses several symbols in the story to represent themes and messages. The forest represents the journey into the unknown and the darkness of human nature. The staff, which is shaped like a serpent, represents the devil and temptation. The pink ribbon represents the protagonist’s relationship with his wife and his faith in humanity.

Understanding these symbols helps to shed light on the story’s themes and messages. For example, the forest symbolizes the inherent darkness and evil within humanity, while the pink ribbon represents the protagonist’s struggle to maintain faith and resist temptation in the face of this darkness.


Theme:  The theme of the story is the inherent darkness and evil within humanity, and the struggle to maintain faith and resist temptation in the face of this darkness. This theme challenges many readers’ beliefs about the inherent goodness of humanity and the power of faith. The story suggests that even the most seemingly virtuous people can be hiding darkness and evil, and that maintaining faith in humanity and resisting temptation is a constant struggle.

The ambiguity of the story’s ending adds to the complexity of this theme. The reader is left wondering whether Goodman Brown has truly lost his faith and succumbed to temptation, or whether his experience was a dream or a representation of his subconscious desires and fears.


Style, Tone, and Diction: The diction in the story is formal and archaic, reflecting the time period and setting of the story. The sentences are often long and complex, contributing to the story’s serious and weighty tone. The use of archaic language and complex sentence structures also adds to the sense of mystery and foreboding in the story.

The serious and weighty tone of the story contributes to its themes and messages. The use of formal language and complex sentence structures gives the story a sense of importance and urgency, while the serious tone reflects the gravity of the story’s themes and message





Thesis Statement:
Nathanial Hawthorne’s character Young Goodman Brown reflects the hypocrisy of Puritanism through the character’s actions where he deceives his wife, consorts with the devil, and exhibits unchristian-like behavior.
I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the story “Young Goodman Brown”
B. Introduction of the thesis statement highlighting the reflection of Puritanical hypocrisy through YGB’s actions
II. YGB’s Deception of His Wife
A. Description of YGB’s seemingly pure and faithful relationship with his wife, Faith
B. Analysis of YGB’s decision to leave Faith and venture into the forest despite his promise to her
C. Examination of the symbolism behind YGB’s deception of Faith as representative of Puritan hypocrisy
III. YGB’s Consorting with the Devil
A. Account of YGB’s encounter with the mysterious figure who may be the devil in the forest
B. Exploration of YGB’s willingness to walk with the devil and join the unholy assembly
C. Discussion of how YGB’s actions highlight the dual nature of Puritan society, claiming piety but being drawn to sin
IV. YGB’s Unchristian-Like Behavior
A. Examination of YGB’s judgmental attitude towards his fellow villagers and their participation in the dark gathering
B. Analysis of YGB’s internal struggle between his desire for righteousness and his fascination with evil
C. Discussion of how YGB’s behavior reflects the hypocrisy of Puritanism, claiming moral superiority while being tempted by sin
V. Conclusion
A. Recapitulation of the main points and how YGB’s actions exemplify Puritanical hypocrisy
B. Restatement of the thesis and its significance in understanding Hawthorne’s critique of Puritan society
C. Final thoughts on the enduring themes and lessons conveyed through “Young Goodman Brown