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Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement 1. Replace vague words with…

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement

1. Replace vague words with more exact words, and replace vague ideas with more specific information.
2. Sometimes you can make the thesis statement more specific by stating the natural divisions of the subject. Stating these in the thesis can set up an outline for your entire essay.
3. Avoid heavy-handed thesis statements that state the obvious or make announcements, such as “Now I will write” or “This essay will discuss.”

1- Which of the following topics are narrowed topics? Check all that apply.


a- Rattlesnakes

b- Job hunting

c- Snakes

d- Tornadoes

e- Violent weather

f- Re´sume´ format


2- Directions: The topics for an essay appear on the left. Select the blank spaces to the right, and choose the controlling ideas from the dropdown menus to complete the thesis statements. (Hint: To help you determine the most appropriate controlling idea, eliminate the controlling ideas which are too narrow or too broad.) choose the best answer

Narrowed Topics Controlling Ideas

a- is relaxing and gives you time to be by yourself

b- is taught by Mrs. smith at Palia elementary school

c- is fun


a- is satisfying because you worked hard to achieve your goals

b- is the title of the book assigned in a motivational seminar

c- isn’t easy


a- is energizing and is a good form of exercise

b- is dangerous

c- should be attempted only with a waterproof jacket in evaluations over 10,000 feet

3- Directions: Select the specific thesis statements from the following. (Hint: Specific thesis statements give exact information, and some thesis statements list two, three, or four ideas that set up the outline for the entire essay. In addition, thesis statements avoid heavy-handed language.) Check all that apply.


a- Incorporating proper habits is a good idea.

b- Now I will write about how easy it is to download simple programs on the computer.

c- Training for the marathon put him in good shape, both physically and mentally.

d- Learning the latest office computer programs gives job candidates an edge over their competitors.

e- In this essay, I am going to argue against raising gasoline prices.

f- Their plan to leave the area was not well received.