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MagistrateGazelle2458 These are two paragraphs that my family and friend wrote. The…These are two paragraphs that my family and friend wrote. The question I have to answer is: I need help with these questions.   How did the other two people’s grid responses and feedback impact your self-concept? Do you see yourself differently now? Why or why not? Do you think their feedback about you was accurate? Why or why not? Veronica Brown, who is my sister, filled out the third I Am Grid. My sister filled out the grid the way she did because, she said, that it fits my likeable and loveable personality for who I am as her sister. My sister said that I always help out our family, and she loves being there for anyone in need. She said, I placed “Forgiving” in the most category because I give people the opportunity of having second chances. “Intelligent” is also in the most category because I have faced various challenges in life and always strived to overcome them with bravery. Therefore, she placed “Confident” in the most category because I went back to school when I was in my thirties. I did not allow anyone to stop me from getting my high school diploma online. Monique Tramell, who is my best friend, filled out the fourth I Am Grid. My friend filled out the grid the way she did because, she said, I became her friend, and we were complete strangers at the time when we met at our children’s school. Monique stated that I came into her life when times were hard, and I encouraged her to believe in knowing that things in her life was going to get better. Monique placed “Generous” in the most category because you talk to me when we were complete strangers, and you gave us a chance to become great friends. “Enthusiastic” is in the most category too because I am full of life and adventure. Lastly, “Shy” is in the least category because she said I do not care about talking to people and I can make friends with anyone.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish