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There are two parts to the following assignment.  Only Part 2…

There are two parts to the following assignment. Only Part 2 needs to be submitted to the dropbox.

Part 1 – Gathering Information

Part 1 of this assignment asks you to gather information from an expert in the field you are researching. In Part 2 you will use the information from Part 1 to write a summary. Be sure to take good notes during the interview or record it so that you can use this to help you later on.

To find an interviewee, you can:

call the manager at a company you would like to work at and ask to speak to someone in an information interview;
interview a friend or relative if you know someone working in the field;
look in business directories for the names and telephone numbers of contacts;
send an email request for an information interview and arrange an interview with willing contacts.

Once you have successfully located someone who is willing to discuss his/her job, the following list provides examples of possible interview questions:

1. How do people normally obtain a position like yours?

2. What skills and personal qualities are most important for success?

3. What education and training is needed?

4. Is there growth in this career field?

5. What do you do on a typical day? Describe job responsibilities.

6. What are some of the challenges?

7. What do you enjoy least about this job?

8. What do you enjoy most about this job?

9. What advice do you have for someone who is looking to get into this field?

Part 2- Writing your summary.

Now you will summarize (approximately 200 words) the information you have gathered from your interview. Follow the guidelines below on how to write a summary.

How to Write a Summary:

A summary is a concise version of an original text; do not include your personal opinion. Summary tasks require one to reduce a text to fewer words (e.g., 200 words to 100 words); however, in this case, you are asked to summarize an information interview. We summarize for many reasons, especially for clarity.

Before you begin to write your summary on an information interview, while listening to the original interview or reviewing your notes on the interview, note all important words. Find the main idea of the interview and at least two or three important details that support it. Using rough notes, start to plan your summary while listening to the interview.

When writing your summary, it is important to leave out non-essential information and unnecessary words. Organize your ideas clearly to help your reader follow and understand your summary, and use transitions to link your ideas