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PrivateArt11555 Then please respond  to another classmate’s post as required for…Then please respond  to another classmate’s post as required for all Discussion Board posts. Remember, that responses to classmates must also be two paragraphs. 1)  I met this ego booster while I was in late middle school. I was currently dealing with a lot of mental health problems in my life since I was constantly stressed, exhausted and on top of that I felt like I couldn’t really trust anyone. Middle school for me was very toxic and judgmental. Granted I did have a few friends but in that environment you are only really friends because you can tolerate each other. During this time I was very depressed and I recently cut off a old friend since he was just negative and made me feel stupid and unappreciated. I had gotten closer with a friend I’m going to call J and he was not the ego booster but a mutual friend I met through him I’m going to call cat. She seemed cool and I ended up starting a separate conversation with her. We ended up becoming closer and talking way more often. I didn’t really know her like that but I just had a feeling for once that I could blindly trust her. My instincts were right and she was perfect. I was able to form a strong bond with her being able to check in every now and then sending funny videos or just talking. She even listened to me without judgement and helped me with my problems and gave advice. After feeling so low a miracle it seemed like felt so wonderful. I really felt appreciated, cared for and loved. I talked to her for about 7 months and unfortunately there is no contact between us and it ended after a certain circumstance which I am gonna get into in number 2.  2)  This ego buster situation also happened to take place in middle school. As you read earlier I had recently removed a friend for being just toxic and made me feel unappreciated so I went closer to J to get away from the drama. Ironically you would think that my life would turn around from this action but you would be wrong. I had talked to Cat and J mostly during the start of summer which we talked pretty much every day and High school. As soon as we arrived at High School me and J met up and talked briefly before going to our classes. He ended up being in a different academy which is like a program at Carson and because of that we saw each other less and less due to the schedules and nutrition times. Granted we would still meet up here and there but I started to feel our friendship thinning out. Eventually he found a new group of friends when I was kinda going through it all alone. As the months went on he became a completely different person claiming he was my friend but made no effort and only did when he needed something from me. He  made me feel worthless because he would sometimes leave me out and ignore me completely even when I was in front of him in passing. Also getting more agitated at times towards me in private and sometimes even in public. As I mentioned earlier I was close with cat at this time and so was J and this time he went too far. I had previously messaged him making a joke out of his bio which was a quote and he responded by telling me I was blocked. I was surprised because I just was trying to make conversation. I just dropped it and went on with my day not thinking about it. Later that night around like 8 my phone buzzed and I checked it and I saw that I got added to a group chat for some reason. I already kinda had a bad feeling about it but I checked it out anyway. It was J and Cat in the chat and I could tell he was mad and I was confused and I didn’t know what he was talking about til he mentioned earlier. Without letting me explain he and cat both came at me basically telling me how much of a bad person I was. I was hurt and it wasn’t because of what they said it was because it came from her. Turns out he went to her and I believe he did so because he knew how much she meant to me. She was the only person I fully trusted and cared deeply for and she knew what I was dealing with and it felt like a betrayal which I couldn’t get past and I couldn’t bring myself to talk to her again and we haven’t spoken since. Me and J still somehow continued since he somehow convinced me he was sorry even though he blamed the whole thing was because of his cousin. I ended up cutting him off a month or so into the pandemic because he was toying with me when it came to cat. Ironically sometimes you can find someone way worse than who you were originally running from. From this situation I learned that If someone is willing to hurt you once that they will probably do it again and that if someone shows you who they are believe them. I have made sure not to make the same mistake like that again. ReplyArts & HumanitiesEnglish