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BaronStingrayMaster832 Then locate ONE credible source relating to this issue NOT used in…Then locate ONE credible source relating to this issue NOT used in their post.Using any one quote from your fresh source, explore how it contributes to the ongoing discussions on this issue.What does your research add to our general understanding of the public conversations around these opposing perspectives?  Climate change is the topic I’ve picked for this assignment. This subject interests me since it is a serious worldwide problem with reverberating effects on the environment, the economy, and society.In the discussion of climate change, there are three important areas of disagreement:How much human activity has contributed to climate change: According to one viewpoint, human actions like the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are what is causing climate change. They base their arguments on scientific data, such as increasing greenhouse gas emissions and temperature records. On the other hand, some contend that the impact of natural elements like solar radiation and volcanic activity on climate change is greater. They contend that the Earth’s climate has always experienced natural variations and cast doubt on the veracity of climate models.The need for action now: Some contends that urgent action must be taken right away to lessen the effects of climate change. They cite harsh weather conditions, ice cap melting, and increasing sea levels as proof that immediate action is required. Others think that the advantages of mitigation actions exceed the costs and that the effects of climate change are overstated. In order to prevent economic disruptions, they advocate for a more measured approach. The comparative responsibility of developed and developing nations: Due to their previous emissions, developed nations are frequently held responsible for being the primary contributors to climate change. They are advised to take the initiative in cutting emissions and giving money to underdeveloped nations. However, some contend that the burden should be distributed more evenly and that emerging nations should also be held accountable for their emissions. Various interest groups utilize various kinds of evidence to back up their claims and objectives. Peer-reviewed research, climate models, and historical data are frequently used by scientists and environmental organizations to establish the human cause of climate change. They also emphasize the agreement reached on this topic by the scientific community. On the other side, skeptics could refute the scientific consensus using other facts or investigations. They could also cast doubt on the motivations and financing sources of those who support climate change.The scientific community agrees that human activity is the major cause of climate change. Due to the substantial study and supporting data, this viewpoint is reliable and helpful. The overwhelming evidence of how climate change is having an impact on the world further supports the need for action. To discover common ground, it is crucial to take into account various viewpoints and engage in fruitful discussion.The necessity of international collaboration and collective action is a key element in this issue. Global cooperation is necessary to address the issue of climate change, which affects all nations, businesses, and people. Effective action depends on finding common ground and obtaining agreement on mitigating measures. Finding alternative energy sources, encouraging sustainable lifestyles, and aiding poor nations in the transition to low-carbon economies are possible areas of agreement and compromise.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish