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BailiffIbex3206 The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to…The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to critically analyze speech delivery and apply some of the terms (at least 6 highlighted in bold per person) that you have learned during the semester.   Make a review of each one.  Do you know what that weird sound was that clip said? I am Jasmine and I’ll be your speaker. Today, I’ll be discussing the importance of Morse code with its foundation and its impacts. Firstly, before we discuss Morse code, we must divulge into what was used before it. Most societies write on po, written communication such as letters. Military would often use lights, flags, and even smoke signals. The Library of Congress has stated in the invention of the telegraph that there would be a person who would decipher a signal from a higher tower on a distant hill and then send it onto nearest station. While it was certainly good for a time period, society inventory one, an upgrade in August 2018. World history explained in the Telegraph and the Democratic Convention that in March 18, 43, the American government put out a proposal of $30,000 to have a proposal given to them for long distance communication. In today’s value, this is worth $931,000 a bit before the proposal in 17 91, Samuel F. B. Morse was born in Massachusetts. He was born to a rather well off family, so he was able to attend Yale where his interest was lily and favorably sparked electricity. However, nothing immediately came out of it. He graduated in 1810 and traveled the world for a few decades. In 18 32, he created a blueprint of the telegraph. Just three years later, in 18 35, he created the workable version. Even though Samuel F B Morse is an individual most credited for the telegraph, he’s not the first one to come up with it. The original was made in 17 53 and was working by 17 74, right before the American Revolution. Nevertheless, Samuel F B Morse version is truly remarkable, as his messages could travel up to 10 mi compared to the original 40 ft. But none of this would be possible without the actual code. To tell what the code was communicating, Samuel F B. Morse created a new alphabet of dots and dashes to represent short sounds and long sounds. This language was created with English in mind, meaning that the letters used most often in English would be easier to communicate or in other words, is only a dot while a Q is at the Q is in areas such as South America and Eurasia, and languages that include Echa, Mongolian, and Georgian. The simplicity given to rather than truly resembles how it’s meant for an English speaking audience or it’s English intended in general. While it might sound were done to say Morse code. Truly inspired a lot of rapid long distance communication and opened up a copious amount of new opportunities. The first example of this would be international communication. In 2023, the BBC extended into Scramble for Africa. That telegraphs absolutely vital for communication at the time. The scramble before Africa was a period in the early 1900s that when Europe was extended lot of imperialism onto Africa for their resources. These resources include rubber, iron, and even diamonds. Ultimately, because not every country could access these resources, it was important to have the telegraph to actively communicate on land trades and resource trades. But additionally, telegraphs are also connected to the job market. Suddenly there are thousands of new positions for telegraph operators, both in the public and in the military. This boosted the productivity of the nation, lowered the unemployment rate, and also boosted the GP of the nation. This also introduced a conversation of technology versus jobs. Technology sometimes takes place of jobs other people had. For example, mailman would often deliver messages. However, now it’s more useful to have telegraph operators. This can be similar to how we have a lot of IT people today. Even though we don’t use telegraph or even Morse code as much, the effects still remain through inspiration. Without Morse code, no one would have thought I have long distance communication with electricity. Not to mention, it’s a huge aspect of our culture. In early 2023, Larry Kaner from Smithsoni explained, in looking to ditch Twitter, Morse code is back, that people were attracted by simplicity of Morse code. It shows dots and dashes. It recalls a low tech error. Conversations move more slowly. While it may not be popular for the majority, it’s certainly valued by select few. On top of that, it assists with a variety of linguistics and communication theories through the process of could in the language. Researchers found cognitive abilities such as pattern recognition, attention to detail, and auditory processing. These are the pure foundation of linguistics for humans to encode, accept, and pass information. Most importantly, it serves as a backup for aviation services, even though this may not be used as commonly, as they do have radios and GPS and et cetera, it is certainly very, very valuable when it is needed as a backup service. Overall, Morse code serves the needs of people and inspired a lot of positive changes even though it’s not used as much today. There we still have the theories and the future of telecommunications that we actively experienced in our daily life. Not to mention it boosted the economy and the communication within the military. It was the most innovative technology of its time. Even though we have moved on as a society, it still remains a significant part of our culture. Why don’t you try to learn Morse code? I’m sure it will be a challenge of the center. Thank you.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish