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BailiffIbex3206 The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to…The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to critically analyze speech delivery and apply some of the terms (at least 6 highlighted in bold per person) that you have learned during the semester.   Make a review of each one.5 Imagine you are a loved one, is suddenly admitted to the hospital after a serious illness or injury. Wouldn’t you want them to receive the best possible medical care? Along with genuine concern and clear communication? I think everyone would agree that this is the type of experience they’d want to have. Now consider what it would be like if the doctors and nurses didn’t clearly communicate information about the illness treatment and possible outcomes. And further consider what it would be like if staff didn’t show genuine concern throughout treatment. This could turn an already stressful situation into a nightmare. I’ve worked as an LPN for two years and I’ve seen the benefits of having strong communication between the staff, patient, and patient’s family members. I’ve also personally experienced what it’s like to have a family member in the hospital for an extended period of time. Having viewed this issue from both sides, I can say that without good communication between everyone involved, the care of the patient will suffer. In order to provide the best care, good communication needs to take place between caregivers, patient and family members, as well as between all health care staff members. In the speech, I will describe how to effectively use verbal and non verbal communication and how this benefits the patient. I will also describe how clear communication is beneficial among staff members as well. Many things can be conveyed to the patient based on how well non verbal communication is used. If used correctly, it can have a positive impact on the outcome of patients treatment. Trust can be created by how well a caregiver is able to use their active listening skills as the patient speaks. Good eye contact, as well as maintaining a pleasant facial expression and turning to face the patient helps to show them that the caregiver is listening and cares about what they are saying. Doctors, Ben, Nist, and Hanak wrote intensive care medicine in 2015, an article entitled Non Verbal Communication to restore patient provider trust. They stated touch is a very important form of non verbal communication. It has the power to decrease patient anxiety and aid and healing. Quote, if a nurse’s touch is gentle, it helps the patient to feel they are in a safe place and may help them feel more comfortable to ask questions or ask for help as needed. Tone of voice is another form of non verbal communication. Speaking in a pleasant and unhurried way helps tell the patient that the nurse has and is interested in what they have to say. An American anthropologist named Ray Bird Whistle wrote in his 1952 book, An Annotation System for Analysis of Body Motion and Gesture, which was published by the Foreign Service Institute. That he believes verbal communication is only responsible for 30 to 35% of the meaning of a message. And that the other 65 to 70% of meeting comes from various forms of non verbal communication. Staff, as well as their patients can benefit from effective communication and suffer from the lack of it. On May 6, 2020, Yaku Hassan wrote a journal article entitled Avoiding Medical Errors through Effective Communication in a Health care Environment for movement, health, and Exercise. In this article, he states the importance of good communication practices for effective health and improved patient safety in the hospital setting has been highlighted. It is evident from this review that poor communication most frequently causes adverse effects such as delay in treatment, medication errors, and wrong site surgery. Examples of this also include incorrect readings of health care records and inadequate discharge and follow up instructions. As stated by a study performed by the San Diego State University, communication failures were responsible, in part for 30% of malpractice claims that resulted in 1,744 debts. It is clear that good communication between hospital staff can provide many benefits to the patient, including reducing errors in medication, reducing need for hospital readmissions, and increasing patient satisfaction. Benefits to staff include improved job satisfaction and quality of staff relationships. This in turn improves patient safety, improved job satisfaction reduces job turnover and facilities, which in turn helps to create  better continuity of care, which will positively impact patient care. Improved job satisfaction is also reflected in the staff’s increased ability to form positive relationships with their patients. In conclusion, in this speech, I have talked about ways to use nonverbal and verbal language more effectively in order to communicate with patients and healthcare staff. I have also described many benefits of using verbal and non verbal language in a careful and clear way. To summarize, non verbal communication has a powerful effect on care, on the care that the patient receives, as well as the outcome of that care. To achieve this, a caregiver needs to make a conscious effort to monitor their behavior. With regard to using active listening, use a friendly tone of voice and facial expression, Maintain good eye contact. And use gentle touch in order to create  comfortable environment where the patient feels safe to ask questions. I would like to end this speech with a about the importance of having good communication between the caregiver and patient. A physician and noted speaker on health care issues, Dr. Kevin Foe states, good communication is at the core of good medical care.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish