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The Housing Struggles of International Students in Canada The…

The Housing Struggles of International Students in Canada

The journey of pursuing education abroad holds promise and excitement for many international students, but lurking behind the dreams is a reality that often goes unnoticed. For example, the challenging housing situation for international students in Canada. As these students are admitted at the university, their pursuit of higher education is accompanied by a battle for safe and affordable housing. These challenges create shadowy obstacles on their academic journey and raise critical concerns regarding fairness in the international institutions of higher learning. The housing challenges international students face in Canada require urgent attention and comprehensive reforms to ensure their well-being and academic success.


The first challenge international students in Canada encounter is the discriminatory practices (Calder et al., 2016). According to researchers Gupta & Su (2023), international students encounter bias during rentals through disparaging adverts and excessive entrance payments. The sheer scale of this figure becomes even more evident considering that Canada houses over 800,000 with a substantial number of them hailing from India, which additionally heightens the economic stress confronted by undergraduates attempting to pay for college tuition next to managing persistently surging living expenses. There is need for significance of listening to and considering the suggestions made by international students themselves to acknowledge their agency and participation in identifying workable solutions (Ike et al., 2020).

Poor Housing Conditions and Safety Concerns

Another significant consideration lies in poor housing conditions and security issues encountered by international students in Canada. Gupt and Su’s investigation reveals that several students inhabit tightly packed, hazardous environments with limited security measures, including smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. In addition, a recent study by Sarah Jane Laframboise et al. (2023) has brought forth a harrowing picture of sexual abuse among international university students in Canada. Tragedies like the loss of a student in a preventable fire serve as a poignant reminder of the necessity for swift action.

Disproportionate Rent Charges

The third critical reason for immediate action lies in the disproportionate rent charges in which many students find hard to coup as they lack financial support from the Canadian government. Through their 2023 research, Gupt and Su found that a significant portion of post-secondary students encounter housing challenges due to disproportionate rent charges. Housing is a human right, and international students should be protected from prejudice and abuse (Kahlon, 2019). Therefore, urgent policy reforms, community support, and institutional efforts are needed to protect their welfare and uninterrupted academic journey.


Urgency and thorough reforms are necessary due to the complex problems international students face regarding Canadian housing. The combined impacts of discrimination, disproportionate rent charges, poor housing conditions and safety concerns negatively affect international student’s academic motivation. Not having sufficient backup mechanisms makes them defenseless against eviction risks. Accommodations go beyond mere housing; they include issues of justice, security, and a nurturing educational setting hence the urgent comprehensive reforms to ensure their well-being and academic success.

This is my op-ed below I will post the example of Digital Presentation 

Script Your Presentation

Turn your opinion piece you wrote above into a 200-300 word script–pare it down, shorten sentences, make it a “spoken” text. Tip: speak it out loud as you write, to make sure it “lifts off the page” well!




Hello fellow classmates and respected Professor.

In today’s digital era, the influence of social media has transformed how our society connects, communicates, and absorbs information. Within this landscape, the escalating concern of social media addiction is serious, particularly when it comes to the well-being of our younger generation.


1: Addiction Amongst Youth Slide 2-3

A crucial starting point is acknowledging where our children spend the bulk of their time, ensuring that these spaces nurture a balanced relationship with social media.


As per The Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System, the two primary domains of a child’s life are school and home. This underscores the fact that their formative years are largely shaped by the guidance they receive from family and educational institutions.


2: Youth Influence Slide 4

During the youth phase, individuals are especially impressionable, readily adopting behaviours and patterns they observe around them. The work found in Mustafa Akdag and Mustafa Cingi article titled (“The impact of internet and social media on kids’ and parents’ game habits.”) highlights that children frequently mirror the habits of their parents, engaging in similar childhood activities.


3: Parental Influence Slide 5

The significance of parental influence increases as time goes on. Mustafa Akdag and Mustafa Cingi’s research on the similarities of parents and their kid’s childhood states that almost all of children partake in the same childhood games as their parents, amplifying the impact parents have on their children. The repercussions of social media addiction could inflict severe damage on children’s mental health, with the pressure to conform to virtual trends leading to low self-esteem. Prolonged screen time might also hamper real-world social skills and academic progress, hindering growth and development.



In conclusion, while major corporations undeniably contribute to social media addiction among the youth, the central focus for prevention lies within parental guidance and educational institutions. Evidently, children spend most of their waking hours at home and school. This highlights society’s responsibility to shape and nurture their habits in these crucial spaces. By purposely steering our focus towards positive habits in these environments, we can ensure that our children develop into well-rounded, mentally resilient individuals.


From here digital presentation instruction start


Overview See what’s in store

In this unit, we complete all substantive work on the public communication part of the course by turning our opinion pieces into short (approx 2-minute) digital presentations. (In the final unit, we will share these presentations and our opinion pieces, and provide peer feedback on them.)

Being able to express ourselves clearly and persuasively in spoken form is a critical skill in school, the workplace, and many parts of civic life. Increasingly, the ability to capture and share our spoken communication with digital technology is a crucial modern skill. The Digital Presentation is your chance to practise both skills.

You will boil your opinion piece down to its essence, script a spoken communication of no more than 350 words, and record it in a medium of your choice (as an audio or audio-visual file), using the techniques of clear, natural-sounding, energized delivery.


Analyze a Digital Presentation Effective design and delivery




A spoken argument is a powerful and immediate form of communication.

Increasingly, people expect to receive information in spoken form, and on digital platforms, whether in real-time or asynchronously. Consider how common the following are in both workplace and personal life:

Group meetings on Zoom or other video conferencing tool.
Digital presentations, whether for information-sharing, company onboarding, skills training, etc.
Video blogs on Youtube and other platforms.
Videos and podcasts in the mainstream press.

In both digital and live, face-to-face contexts, it’s vital to be able to articulate ideas clearly and effectively in spoken form. This skill is obviously fundamental to successful presentations—but also to conversations, discussions, meetings, and other spoken-communication contexts.



1. Review Core Strategies

In presentations, observe the following guidelines:

Pare down content to the absolute essential.
Speak slowly enough to be understood easily (but not so slowly that the presentation drags).
Use short sentences.
Use the simplest possible words.
Have an opening “hook” and a clear, emphatic ending.
State your main point up front whenever possible and appropriate.
Use examples to illustrate concepts and ideas, but don’t overwhelm the listener with data.
Ensure that any visuals are clear, uncluttered, and as simple in design as purpose and context permit.
Ensure that any visuals are predominantly images and graphics, with as little text as possible (otherwise, listeners are receiving information simultaneously on too many channels, and must process both written and spoken text).

2. Review Project 3

Project 3 is made up of several process pieces that help you build the larger Public Communications deliverables:

Setting the foundations by choosing a genre
Analyzing and brainstorming rhetorical appeals
Outlining and drafting the opinion piece
Revising the opinion piece
Analyzing an existing digital presentation from the mainstream media
Scripting the presentation
Building the presentation

Subsequent to this process of creating the opinion piece and presentation, you will review peer submissions and reflect on the course as a whole.

The step you’re completing here of analyzing a digital presentation helps you think through the key characteristics of effective spoken communication before you try it yourself.


Image transcription text

TBSK Take the next step in Project 3. Digital Presentation Access
Project 3 samples and templates here: Public lCommunication
[Units 12-141 Complete the following analysis: 1. Ope…
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This is the video link given in TASK


Script the Presentation Writing for speaking



In this presentation, your task is to develop and support an original argument about a given issue. In the research essay, you critiqued a source and used research to support that critique. Here, the goal is to use sources and your own ideas to build an argument in response to the issue. As a writer and presenter, you are trying to persuade your listeners to adopt your point of view.




The key deliverable for this project is your own recorded voice conveying the message developed in your opinion piece.

How you create this deliverable is up to you. We recommend keeping the project simple. Here are some suggestions:

Digital Presentation
Format Software Options File to be Uploaded to
Audio recording
Microsoft’s Voice Recorder
Upload a .wav file.
Live video
Many options
Upload a .mp4 file
Audio-visual screencast, recording a simple image or two on the screen along with recorded narration
Upload a .mp4 file
Slideware with recorded narration
PPT or Google Slides
Upload a PPT file



A 300-Word Text

You should deliver a presentation of 2 minutes (2.5 minutes maximum), which means approximately 300 words of text.

To this end, you will be developing a 300-word script based on your opinion piece.

You can

deliver this script word-for-word (making sure to perform it with a natural feel); or
turn the script into an outline from which to deliver extemporaneously (i.e., in-the-moment, but from prepared notes).

Scripted Versus From-Notes Delivery

In a scripted presentation, you perform your prepared text, reading it word-for-word–with as much naturalness as possible. Strategize and practise so that your performance does not sound unnatural and wooden.

In a from-notes presentation, you prepare carefully in advance, but deliver without a prepared text (from outline notes, at most), so that the presentation is slightly different every time.

In live presentations, from-notes is almost always better and leads to greater connection between speaker and audience.

The from-notes style can also work for recorded presentations. However, recordings are less forgiving of the small imperfections that are so natural in live settings. A script can work well for recorded presentations, provided that the script is crafted and delivered with maximum attention to conversational tone (as appropriate to context) and natural delivery.

When choosing a delivery method, consider the following:

  Scripted Delivery From-Notes Delivery
Less room for error.
Easier to time accurately.

Easier to deliver naturally

Requires careful crafting and delivery so it sounds natural and “live,” and does not, in fact, sound like a scripted performance in the negative sense.

Requires control for error in delivery and timing: may require more recording attempts.

Whichever method you choose, you will write a 300-word script. You will either perform this script for your presentation, or use it as the basis for from-notes delivery.

Content and Organization


An opinion-based or argument-driven presentation will consist of the following sections:

Central idea (the same as your opinion piece).
Supporting points (drawn from your opinion piece).

There is a wealth of information on the Web about building successful presentations. For some simple but powerful tips to keep in mind as you develop your presentation, skim the following:

How to Make a Great Presentation

The Learning Portal: Presentations

Presentation Zen

TED’s Secret to Great Public Speaking



1. Review Example

Comparing opinion piece to script

2. Review Project 3

Project 3 is made up of several process pieces that help you build the larger Public Communications deliverables:

Setting the foundations by choosing a genre
Analyzing and brainstorming rhetorical appeals
Outlining and drafting the opinion piece
Revising the opinion piece
Analyzing an existing digial presentation from the mainstream media
Scripting the presentation
Building the presentation

Subsequent to this process of creating the opinion piece and presentation, you will review peer submissions and reflect on the course as a whole.

The scripting step you’re completing here is where you structure the presentation and generate your content.


Image transcription text

Task Take the next step in Project 3, Digital Presentation Access
Project 3 samples and templates here: Public Communication
(Units 12-141 Complete the your presentation script: …
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I am sorry I can’t remove words from the task. 

Hi, I have posted my work op-ed then I post an example of a digital presentation and how it looks like please help me with my digital presentation work. If you have any questions please let me know.

I don’t have enough time please help me as soon as possible. 
