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The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros    The House on…

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros   The House on Mango Street.pdf

Please, number and answer each of the following question separately. 

I. What is the context of the poem or text?

                1. Name the author of the text and the title of the poem or story. 

                2. In a few sentences, explain what the text is about and the themes developed. 


II. How is language used to express ideas?                   

Meaning of Words: Connotation and Denotation (5pts)
     Denotation/Connotation: The author says, “Speakers, like poets, often use connotation to enrich their 
Define denotation and connotation in your words.
Find examples in the text of words that are designed to trigger an emotional response.
Explain what the emotions are, what the purpose is, and how well the purpose is achieved.

Using Language Clearly (5pts)
Use familiar words: The author recommends using familiar words. Underline all the words that you don’t know. Look up the meaning of these words in a dictionary and write the meaning of each word.
Choose Concrete Words: The author says, ‘A speech dominated by concrete words will almost always be clearer, more interesting, and easier to recall than one dominated by abstract words.’  What is the balance of abstract versus concrete words in your speech? What choices did the speaker make, and what is the impact of his choices on your understanding of the text?
Eliminate Clutter:  According to the author, “Keep your language lean and lively. Beware of using several words where one or two will do.”  Are there places in this text where you would trim, or unclutter?
Cite the words or sentences you would trim and why. 

Using Language Vividly:  Advice from the author: “If you want to move people with your speeches, use vivid 
     language.’ (3pts)
Make a list of words/phrases/sentences from the text that illustrate imagery: concrete words, similes, metaphors
Make a list of words/phrases/sentences from the text that illustrate rhythm: parallelism, repetition, alliterations
Explain how these examples help convey the meaning of the text. Why did the speaker make these choices?)

Using Language Appropriately: Appropriateness to the occasion, to the audience, and the topic. 3pts
Do we know what the occasion and the audience is for the text?
Find examples in the text that address appropriateness, and explain why you think these words are 
 particularly significant for the audience. 

A Note on Inclusive Language: “Audiences expect public speakers to use inclusive language that is respectful of 
    the different groups that make American society.” 2pts
Considering the date of the text, how inclusive is the language? Give examples from the speech to support your evaluation. What would you change to make the text more inclusive? 

Based on what you have learned 2pts

 To what extent does the text follow ch.12 recommendations – using language accurately, clearly, vividly, appropriately, and inclusively?