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MegaComputerCobra11 The candidate will interview 10 adults from the same school…The candidate will interview 10 adults from the same school community. The adults will represent diversity in gender, age, race, occupation. economic status, religious affiliation, or social status. The interviews will represent a measure of the effectiveness of perceptions of the school district community on things like standardized testing, graduation rates, importance of higher education, instruction and effectiveness of teacher evaluations in your community.  How do you feel our schools rank on standardized testing?Are you happy with the graduation rate in our school district?Do you feel our students are prepared when they graduate? For higher education? For work?Do you believe teacher evaluations are effective in improving instruction in our schools?The candidate will examine School and Community Relations district policies. Typically policy manuals are found on school district websites. Analyze the effectiveness and implementation of the policies in your district. Do the policies need to be updated or revised? Are the policies being fully implemented in the district to reflect strong school and community relations? Find three strengths of the policies and two weaknesses you can share. Prepare a slide for strengths and a slide for weaknesses. In your presentation notes, be sure to give the reasons for your choices. How would you go about changing the weak policies or influencing the full implementation of policies which are not being utilized? Compile a needs assessment regarding school and community relations in the district. Analyze the use of community resources in the teaching and learning in your schools. How are community resources being utilized in the school setting? You may elect to interview the Parental Involvement Coordinator or School/Community Relations Coordinator or someone with another title who is responsible for involving stakeholders in the school setting. Look for things like sign in sheets with names of community members and parents who have participated in school events. Do the schools have career days? Do classrooms utilize guest speakers? Do students have opportunities for field trips to places in the community? You may even want to include questions to those 10 adults you interviewed for the demographic study in the first part of this assignment. Research three ways the school district could improve school and community relations. .Arts & HumanitiesEnglish