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ejbelloi the article is whats missing Chapter Introduction The world would… the article is whats missing

Chapter Introduction
The world would have us think that the greatest source of our happiness is money. The more money
we have, the more we can get what we want. Too often, according to the lead author of The Canadian
Writer’s Workplace, who also teaches English at Toronto’s Centennial College, the money we work so
hard to make goes toward addiction, and happiness is the last thing we find when this happens. In
“What’s Missing” written in 2015, Lipschutz suggests that the struggle with addiction is more than a
mental health issue; it’s a spiritual journey that most of us must take.
1 Michael Jackson, Whitney HoHston,
Any Wmehouse, Piip Seymour Hoffman what do they
all have in common? All were abumdantiy talented. All seemed to have everything andmore. Al
2 Besides material weatth
thatnever CoImpletely satisfies. peöple seem to be in searchof
SOmethiing else. Maybe is the coifort in knowing that their lives mean semething. Maybe its
died far too early. All died from their addictions. Wiiat more
do people want that these
talented celebrities didn’t already have? What’s missing?
the experience of feeling truly alive. Maybe it’s the feeling of being connected to other human
beings. Psychologist Dr. Gerald May wrote a book called Addiction and Grace. In it, he ciaimsthat most of the patients he treats for depression are seeking God or Something spiritual-
something bigger than themselves, whether they realize it or not. Dr. May says that they too
often look for this mysterious, spiritual, missing thing in addiction. But, ironically, he says,
whatever it is we’re missing actually lies on the otherside ofwithdrawal.
3 So many people are addicted to something without even being aware of it Addietion is the out-
of-control compulsion to do something or to take something for the sole purpose of making you
feel better. You can be addicted to drugs, money, power, gambling, sex, love, cellphone usage,
social media, video games, alcohol, smoking food. shopping etc. One addiction tends to ead te
another. Instead of finding what they’re looking for, addicts find that their lives actually worsen
because the “high” from addictions is only temporary and the long-term effect is damage to
their health and/or welfare. And to keep achieving the same “high,” addiets often must amplify
the “fix, leading to enornous expense, greater health risk and/or more depression.
4 So that’s the problen. Although we want to be happy, we often loOk for happiness in all the
wrong places. But at the risk of sounding more cliché, there is a silver lining in this cloud.
What’s bad can actually help you find what’s good. It’s like registering for a college program
you discOver you don’t like only to discover wihat program youreally do want. The journey fromaddiction to happiness (or freedom or heroism) can be divided into three stages: 1. awareness
of one’s addiction, 2. the desert experience, and 3. the realization of one’s purpose and passion Image transcription textListen In your opinion, why would the author start the reading with naming four celebrities? Answer in 2 to 4sentences Paragraph… Show moreArts & HumanitiesEnglish