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TEOL (Teaching English for Online Learner) Exercise: Choose the…

TEOL (Teaching English for Online Learner) Exercise:

Choose the correct answer.


1. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:

   “Students in rural areas will have access to more classroom-based ESL lessons available than they could find online.”


2. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“To teach English online you must have completed a 4-year BA degree course.”


3. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“Peak teaching times will always be between 1pm and 4pm each day.”


4. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

To teach English online with a computer/laptop you should make sure it has at least 4GB of RAM.
To teach English online with a computer/laptop you should make sure it has at least 16GB of RAM.

5. Why is it important to know how many MP (Megapixels) your web camera is capable of recording?1 

It will show you how long you can record a video before needing to press stop and then starting a new recording.
It will show you roughly how much detail the camera will be able to include in its pictures or recordings.

6. Approximately how much data is used to host an average 60-minute video call?1 

225 MB with standard definition or 810 MB with high definition.
550 MB with standard definition or 1620 MB with high definition.

7. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“To teach online you will need an internet connection with at least 60 Mbps download speed and 10 Mbps upload speed.”


8. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“When teaching online, it’s good to have a minimal amount of light in the room in order to create a more focused environment.”


9. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

It’s better to have a plain, undecorated wall behind you when teaching young learners.
It’s better to have a wall with relevant and engaging decorations when teaching young learners.

10. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“All of the same decorations used to create a classroom for young learners will also be suitable for adult learners.”


11. Which age range would be best suited to using puppets:1 

19-21 years of age
3-8 years of age
13-18 years of age

12. Which of these could be examples of “relevant” props?1 

A puppet when introducing fruit.
An apple when introducing fruit.
A hat when introducing items of clothing.
A whiteboard when introducing fruit.
A football when talking about sports.

13. Which of these could be examples of “supplemental” props?1

Select three answers.

Handheld whiteboards
Your headset
Reward stickers
Your webcam

14. What does the acronym “TPR” stand for?1 

Total Physical Response
Teaching Physical Reactions
Total Practice Reaction
Teaching Practice Reasoning

15. Why is TPR useful when teaching online?1 

Physical stimulation will make students too tired to misbehave or fidget. This can make classes much easier for teachers to manage.
It’s important for students to have both a healthy mind and a healthy body. Exercising will help students to focus on their studies.
Physical stimulation can help students to learn by activating other areas of the brain. This is something that’s largely restricted in a virtual classroom.

16. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“Modeling is the process of introducing a new activity or language aspect to a student. It involves first making the student try something by themselves, then the teacher will demonstrate how it should have been done. Finally, the student will try one last time on their own again.”


17. Hand gestures and facial expressions are examples of which teaching technique?1 

Nonverbal communication

18. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“Under no circumstance should a student – adult or young learner – look at their phone during one of your lessons.”


19. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

Video enhancement tools can be useful, but it’s possible to teach online without using them.
It’s essential to use some form of video enhancement tool if you wish to teach English online.

20. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

Some video enhancement tools cost money to use and others might be available for free with access to limited features.
All video enhancement tools cost money to use.

21. How might a virtual background be useful during your lessons?1

Select two answers.

To keep things visually engaging if you’re unable to decorate the wall behind you.
To give context to your lesson – such as an airport when teaching about travel.
To let you teach a lesson without needing to prepare beforehand.
To hide mess if you don’t wish to tidy your room.

22. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“When using ManyCam, stickers are the best way to introduce new words along with their forms and definitions.”


23. Which tool on ManyCam could help you to give rewards and praise to students?1 


24. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

It’s better to tailor versions of your resume for each specific role that you apply for.
It’s better to make one resume and use that for all kinds of job applications – teaching young learners, teenagers, and adults.

25. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

It’s important to include a well-prepared profile photograph for your resume.
Profile photographs aren’t important when applying for online teaching jobs.

26. In which type of video will you show a sample of your teaching skills?1 

An introduction video
A demo video

27. Which type of demo class is described below?1

“A call held between yourself and a recruiter, where the recruiter will assume the role of a student.”

Live student class
Live interview class

28. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“Recruiters will examine your introduction video to see how well you speak English, your charisma/personality, and to learn about your experience and qualifications.”


29. What is the difference between a “video enhancement application” and a “teaching platform”?1 

Video enhancement applications are used to host your video calls with students and teaching platforms are used to add additional virtual effects to these lessons.
Teaching platforms are used to host your video calls with students and video enhancement applications are used to add additional virtual effects to these lessons.

30. How much should your students pay for an online lesson?1 

There is no single answer to this. You must decide your hourly rate depending on the value of your own time and the purchasing power of the student that you are teaching.
It should cost $0.50 USD per minute of a lesson, no matter where your students are from.

31. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

You should assess each student and determine suitable payment terms that work for both of you.
Students should always pay immediately after each lesson ends.

32. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“When privately tutoring students, you will often be responsible for forming your own lesson plans and creating your own materials.”


33. What is “Wix”?1  

One of many “website builder” tools which make it easy to create your own website.
An online school that you can register with and find students.
A video enhancement application.

34. Mark which statement is the most accurate:1 

It’s only possible to find English language students by registering with an online school or teacher-student matching platform.
If you spend time to network carefully and methodically, it’s possible to connect with potential English language students over the internet.

35. Approximately how many overseas students head to the UK, US, Canada, and Australia each each year?1 

2.1 million
1.1 million

36. Where could you possibly find potential students for independent online tutoring?1

Select 3 options.

By searching student unions and other university-run student groups
By joining social media groups related to sports and hobbies
By joining language exchange groups on social media.
Through friends and family members

37. As a private tutor, how can you help yourself to be discovered by students?1

Select three options.

Set up a website for your tutoring services.
Register a social media profile as a tutor.
Establish a YouTube vlog relating to ESL learning.
Work on your lesson plans and wait for word to spread around.

38. When charging students for lessons, which advantages does Stripe have over an international bank transfer?1 

Students can pay using their credit/debit card.
Students can pay with a WeChat account.
It’s often cheaper for you to accept a Stripe payment.
Students will be able to pay in cash instead of using a card.

39. Which payment platform is the most popular in China?1 

WeChat Pay