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TEAL (Teaching English for Ault Learners) Exercise Choose the…

TEAL (Teaching English for Ault Learners) Exercise

Choose the correct answer.


 1. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Compared to young learners, adult learners generally don’t need any extra attention in the classroom.”



2. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Compared to young learners, adult learners generally don’t need any extra attention in the classroom.”



3. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Formal English classes are generally the most comprehensive, but also the type where students’ expectations are the highest.”



4.Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Adult learning theories can help you understand how adult learners think, how they make decisions, and how to teach them more effectively.”




5. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Pedagogy is a student-directed teaching approach that focuses on the student being in charge of their own learning.”



6. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Andragogical learning is based around developing skills in order to meet learning needs and solve problems that arise in the adult student’s life.”



7. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“The lifelong learning concept should only be used with advanced students.”




8. Which of the following is true about authority and power in the TEAL classroom?

“As a TEAL teacher you need to be open-minded and be able to adapt to different cultural norms concepts.”


When teaching adults, you will rarely face any challenges with authority and power in the classroom.
When teaching adults, you may occasionally have to deal with students challenging your authority in the classroom.


9. When compared to young learners, do adults generally have a higher or lower degree of “neuroplasticity”?




10. Which teaching styles does the theory of andragogy align with?


Student-centered styles
Teacher-centered styles


11. When can the “delegator” teaching style be useful in the adult classroom?

Select the 3 most appropriate options.


When teaching smaller classes.
When teaching larger classes.
During collaborative learning.
During independent learning.


12. What is “micro-learning”?


A learning method where knowledge is introduced and studied in small and focused “chunks” or units.
An activity used to fill excess time at the end of lessons.

13. Why is micro-learning useful?


    It helps to fill time in your lessons.
    It helps to avoid cognitive overload in your students.
    It helps students to assess their own learning goals.


14. What is blended learning?


Blended learning is a teaching method where you mix traditional face-to-face classroom learning with technology and e-learning.
Blended learning is when you use both English and your students’ native language to communicate during the lessons.


15. In terms of language skills, what is meant by the acronym “HOTS”?


Higher Order Teaching Skills
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Highly Original Teaching Skills


16. Which of the following are examples of physical teaching aids that can be used in the TEAL classroom?

Select the 3 most appropriate options.


Digital screens
Printed hand-outs


17. What is meant by the term “repackaging” in an ESL lesson?


Re-introducing previously-taught words and phrases in a wider range of contexts. 
Providing takeaway packs that can be studied by students at a later date.


18. What is meant by the term “repackaging” in an ESL lesson?


Re-introducing previously-taught words and phrases in a wider range of contexts. 
Providing takeaway packs that can be studied by students at a later date.


19. Which of these are the 3 advanced listening skills taught to adult learners?

You can select more than 1 answer.


Listening in low volume 
Listening for attitude 
Listening for approachability 
Listening for detail 
Listening for gist 


20. Which of these are examples of elision?

You can select more than 1 answer.


I’m gonna
I want to
I wanna
It is recycled


21. Why is it important for adult students to learn about elision?


Learning about elision will help students to use English in more formal situations (interviews, work-related emails, writing letters, etc.)
Adults generally learn English to use it immediately in the real world, and in the real world people often use elision when speaking.


22. Which of these describes the skill of “decoding”?


The process of taking speech, breaking down the individual sounds, and connecting meaning to each sound – such as a word, phrase, or expression.
The process of finding an unknown word, looking it up in the dictionary, then recording this word in a notebook to help remember its meaning and uses.


23. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“It can be useful to briefly introduce expected classroom etiquette and rules at the beginning of a course with adult students.”




24. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Some cultures can be more conservative, and students might prefer to address teachers by formal titles instead of using their names.”




25. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Forming close personal relationships with your adult students can often lead to unintended consequences in the classroom.”




26. Which of the following things should you keep in mind when giving instructions to adults?

You can select more than 1 answer.


Use CCQs to check for understanding.
Keep the instructions relevant and easy to understand.
Maintain eye contact with the student you are speaking to.
Always include a translated copy of the instructions for your students to read in their native language.


27. Which of these are types of assessment that can be used in the TEAL classroom?

You can select more than 1 answer.


Diagnostic assessment
Analytics assessment
Summative assessment


28. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

Final exams and end-of-module quizzes are activities that can be used well with summative assessments.




29. Which type of assessment activity would you use to identify strengths and weaknesses of each student in your class?


Individual assessment activities
Collaborative assessment activities


30. Self-assessment activities are suitable for:


Beginner students
Intermediate to advanced students
Students of all levels


31. Which of these describes what an “open-ended” question is?


A question that requires students to provide an elaborated answer.
A question that lets students answer with “yes” or “no”.


32. Mark whether the sentence below is true or false:

“Review questions are suitable for both formative and summative assessment activities.”




33. Which three of these aspects should you inspect during the initial assessment of your students?

You can select more than 1 answer.


Their personal goals
Their familiarity with English slang
Their English language proficiency
Their learning needs
Their essay-writing abilities


34. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:1

“Learning needs are more important than learning goals.”




35. When performing an initial assessment, why is it important to ask about your students’ previous experiences of studying and using English?

You can select more than 1 answer.


Some students might have lived in a native English speaking country before.
Some students might have studied English extensively already, while others might not have studied formally at all.
You’ll be able to show students with limited experience that they need to work twice as hard to keep up with the rest of the class.


36. How should you dress if your students all wear suits and ties to your lessons?


Dress down – you should wear casual clothes instead to highlight how you are different from your students.
The same – match their dress level or dress slightly above it.


37. Why is it important to consider your body language when teaching adults?


Adults will have weaker skills of perception, so you’ll be able to more easily fool them into believing you if you act confidently.
Adults will often have stronger skills of perception gained from countless interactions with people over the years, and will be inclined to judge you based on your body language.


38. According to Mehrabian & Wiener, what percent of communication comes from body language?




39. Why might schools want teachers to dress in professional attire?


Dressing in formal attire will help schools understand who the students are and who the teachers are.
White-collar workers are a large market of potential students. To attract such customers, schools will need their teachers to dress in a way that resonates with them.


40. Which of these would generally be a better option when choosing clothes for adult ESL lessons?


Patterned clothing
Plain, neutral colors


41. Mark whether the statement below is true or false:

“Schools might request teachers to conceal tattoos during work hours, either by rolling down sleeves or wearing bandaids where suitable.”




42. How can “alluding to previous experiences” help you to build credibility with your students?


By referring to previous classes/students, you’ll be able to subtly show the experience that you bring to your current class.
Students will want to hear about stories from your past so that they can make judgments on your teaching abilities.


43. Why is it important to build rapport with your students?


It can help to pressure your students into feeling that they must engage with your activities.
It can make them comfortable to engage with you and your activities
t can help to fill up time during your lessons.


44. Mark which of these statements is the most accurate:


You should never acknowledge that your students’ ages might be significantly different from your own.
There may be times when it could be useful to acknowledge that there’s an age/generation gap between you and your students.


45. Which of these describes the activity “Hands up who”?


Ask students to raise their hands if a particular comment applies to them.
Ask students to raise their hands if they have any questions about an activity.
Ask students to raise their hands after finishing an activity sheet.