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Use the following format for all of your activity plans in the JCC ECE classes. List each category (activity name, introduction, interaction, child perspective, etc.) on your plan followed by that information. Points will be deducted for each category that is not on the plan or not completed accurately and in detail. Remember, the plan should be written in enough detail that anyone could pick up the plan, read it and conduct the activity with young children. 


NAME AND DATE: Deanna Shaw 11-21-23. 


ACTIVITY NAME: List the name of your activity. 


AGE GROUP:  What age child will be participating in this activity? (Is this activity developmentally appropriate?) (NAEYC 5c)


STUDY TOPICS/THEME: List the weekly theme or study topic that you chose for this course or that the class is learning about that week. 


TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Circle (Teacher directed); Also list which type of teacher directed activity (Poem/Chant, Song, Fingerplay, Music/Movement, Game, Story, Chart/Graph, Cooking, Other) (NAEYC 5a)


Observation: This section details what you have observed or might observe in an early childhood classroom that relates to children’s interest and/or developmental needs.  (NAEYC 3a)


JUSTIFICATION:  Based on your understanding of child development and what is developmentally appropriate for this age child, what are you expecting the children to learn from this activity? How will this activity meet their needs? (NAEYC 1c)


NC Foundations Developmental Domain AND GOAL: List the best NCFELD goal/learning objectives that aligns with your justification for this activity. Only list ONE. Although we know an activity can address multiple goals, focus on only one. (NAEYC 5c)


ASSESSMENT:  What will the children  to demonstrate that they have met the objective or goal listed above for this activity? If implementing this activity, this is what you will intentionally want to observe as the children engage in the activity. (NAEYC 3b)


MATERIALS NEEDED: List every material or supply you will need for this activity. This includes consumables (glue, tape, paper, etc.). If you are using a book, record/tape/cd – include the author or artist and the title. If you are writing a plan for a song, poem, chant, flannel board story (that doesn’t use a book), you must include the words in this area or attach them separately to the plan. List all materials discussed in your procedure. (NAEYC 4b)


AREA AND SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS: Explain what area of the room/or outside area will be used for this activity.  In DETAIL, tell how the area will be set up with your activity materials. (NAEYC 1c)


INTRODUCTION: Explain in detail exactly how you will introduce this activity and use your visual aid or example to help the children better understand the activity and connect it to prior learning/knowledge before you begin. Tell what you will SAY and DO to interest the children in doing the activity. Provide clear instructions with actual examples of dialogue. (NAEYC 4c)


MAIN PROCEDURE: Explain how you will actually conduct the activity with the children. Tell what you will say and do and be sure that the procedure is relating back to the goal(s) and objective(s) you were trying to accomplish. Procedure is the most detailed portion of the plan. Remember to focus on writing things here that will help you accomplish your goal(s) & objective(s) of this activity.  This is the area where you will engage, facility and notice learning. Write out the “Rule of Three”:

Three (3) open-ended statements/questions that you will use as you introduce and implement the activity. (NAEYC 5b)
Three (3) statements/questions to guide them towards the stated objectives. How will you encourage the children as they do the activity? How will you engage children not showing an interest in the activity? (NAEYC 4b)
Three (3) encouraging statements/authentic feedback on their effort, beyond any uninformative accolades like “Good job.” (NAEYC 4a)

Coming up with these statements/questions will help you to be more intentional as you guide the children during this activity.


CONCLUSION/TRANSITION:  Explain what you will say/do to end the activity and get the children transitioned and ready for the next activity or next part of the day. Provide actual examples of dialogue. (NAEYC 4c)


DIFFERENTIATION/ADAPTATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS FOR VARIOUS DEVELOPMENTAL LEVELS OF CHILDREN IN THE GROUP:  Think about the developmental levels of children in the age group chosen above for this activity. How would you intentionally scaffold the learning so that all children can participate in this activity? What considerations do you need to make for an individual child to be able to experience this activity and reach the goal you have set? Explain ways you would adapt this activity to further accommodate for children with known or observed challenges or developmental needs and also consider how you could adapt the activity to meet the needs of children that are easily able to accomplish the objective so that it is developmentally appropriate for those children. (NAEYC 5c)


RESOURCE: (if one was used) List where you found the activity (specific web site, or the title of resource book, magazine or curriculum.) Note: Since some activities may not have been researched but come from your own creativity, this section is NOT counted in the grade. 

Age Group: Birth-1-year-oldsTS Gold Objective: 2a- Establishes and sustains positive relationships; forms relationships with adult.