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PrivateDugong7670 summary.Write a paragraph of at least ten sentences or more that…summary.Write a paragraph of at least ten sentences or more that compares and contrasts email A and email B ()in terms of the relative persuasiveness of each communication. Main sentence or topic in 3 to 4 sentences. In doing so, refer EXPLICITLY to at least FOUR of the following course CORE CONCEPTS:Purpose: how clearly has the writer of each email defined the purpose of their message?Audience:to what extent has the writer in each case demonstrated an understanding of the needs of their audience, in terms of the amount of information provided, the way the information is communicated, the tone with which the audience is addressed etc.?Genre: To what extent has each writer followed appropriate conventions of email writing, in terms of proper structure/paragraphing, appropriate greeting/sign-off, appropriate level of formality etc.? summary,background,facts,outcomesMain idea/supporting evidence: How clearly has each writer stated their main message/idea/point? How well have they supported that point with clear and relevant evidence?Persuasive techniques: To what extent has each writer used an appropriate balance of logic and emotion? How has each writer established their credibility?Language and tone: How appropriate is the language and tone in each case, given the purpose/audience/genre? (HINT: Look at the grammar/spelling/punctuation and choice of vocabulary, as well as the overall attitude of the writer towards their subject and/or audience). Example A: Hello -After my recent experience at Canadian Tire, I will never shop their again. I am so pissed at u guys!!! Your company makes a big deal on TV about how it has products and a quality of service that all Canadians can enjoy and benefit from however in my opinion this is all lies because you’re staff are not properly trained and your products is mostly cheap crap made in China not Canada despite what the name of your company says. When I went to one of your store back before Christmas I was told that it was a reliable product and safe for a baby. This was false!!! My kid coulda died!!! The assistant must have been stupid or something. Not good enough!!! So too bad for you, cuz you will need to work a bit harder in 2019 in order to get my dollar back!!!!! Example B:Dear Sir/Madam:I am writing to complain about the poor service I recently received in my local branch of Canadian Tire   and to request compensation for the costs that I incurred as a result. On Friday, December 21st 2018, I was shopping in your store at Dundas and Bay in downtown Toronto for Christmas decorations for my family home. Because I have an infant of eleven months, I was especially concerned that any products I bought were non-toxic and generally child-safe. I therefore questioned at great length the associate who was dealing with me about the tinsel you were then offering on sale at $2.99 a pack. He assured me that, despite its low price, there was nothing in any way harmful in the tinsel. I consequently bought six packages. However, this proved not to be the case. Just before dinner on December 25th, my infant crawled across the living room carpet, pulled a piece of tinsel off the Christmas tree, and proceeded to eat the tinsel.   This resulted in an emergency hospital visit, costing my family a total of $87 in taxi fares. (We live in a rural community). Thankfully, my child was attended to quickly and is now fine; however, my family’s Christmas was completely ruined by this frightening incident.I therefore request that you reimburse me for both the tinsel, the taxi fares, and the food that we bought at great expense but were unable to eat on Christmas Day, for a total of $250. Because I fear our circumstances befall other families, I also request that the tinsel product concerned is either discontinued or sold only with a prominent warning about its potential toxicity. Finally, for the same reason, I would like assurances that all your staff will receive proper training in product knowledgeArts & HumanitiesEnglish