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BrigadierHummingbird1917 So here we are the final stretch before the big vote in all the… So here we are the final stretch before the big vote in all the political parties are busy courting every special interest group in the country no matter how small if you got one leg two kids you work on the farm the parties they have a pitch for you unless of course you happen to be a student in which case you’re completely off the radar not a peep from any of the leaders education wasn’t even mentioned in the debate no I’m not saying that any politician would ever come out and say they don’t care about the student vote when they’re pushed they can talk about educational reform and crushing debt until the cows come home but the 10 minute mark they all do the same thing they stop they lean in like they’re telling you some sort of secretly they say you know it’s a real shame but students in this country they just don’t vote which believe me is code for we don’t care about students we never have we never will now this is a perfect example of where young people can learn from their elders and by elders i mean the elderly as in senior citizens because believe me those folks they vote which is why the old age home is the natural habitat for any campaigning politician no exaggeration in the 30 days since this campaign began John beard has been 26 of them in an old age home OK slight exaggeration now I’m not saying students that students themselves aren’t important to politicians oh they are after all you are the ones that deliver the lawn signs but past that you could be on fire for all they care so my advice to any university student never mind your civic responsibility seeing is you’re such a low priority in this country you should show up and vote out of spite if for no other reason and believe me there are million students in this country you show up and vote elections they’ll never be the same again education will never be left off the agenda and for all of you students out there who are living away from home for the first time ignore all those elections Canada ads they make it seem like you need quantum physics to vote in this country you do not need to be registered in advance to vote men died on the beaches so you could vote all you need to do is show up with some official looking mail with your address on it your student card and your ID don’t take no for an answer and democracy is yours not sure fake ID either you’re a real one

The video link
RMR: Rick’s Rant -voting 101 (it’s 2:23 minutes) Image transcription textMain Idea and Supporting Details Organizer For this assignment, you’re going to watch a video of an effectivespeaker. The first time you listen, your job will be to make use of the effective listening strategies outlinedabove. You will be expected to identify the speaker’s main ideas and supporting details on this page. … Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish