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ElderRoseDeer38 Six soldiers tell their stories in Chapter Four: Doug Bradley pages…Six soldiers tell their stories in Chapter Four:Doug Bradley pages 145-147Bob Casey pages 155-158Jason Sherman pages 160-161Duet: Bill Christofferson and Gorden Fowler pages 170-173 (counts as one)Edgar Acosta pages 178-179Please select three of the soldier’s stories and tell me what you thought was significant.Image transcription text4 “Chain of Fools” RADIOS, GUITARS, EIGHTTRACKS (AND SILENCE IN THE FIELD) SOLO: Doug Bradley Thefeel of Vietnam, the vibe, was like nothing I’d ever expe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text146 CHAPTER FOUR The cacophony was with us night and day.Early in the morn- ing; late into the night. Even in the afternoons,when most of us were gone, the hooch maids and mam… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 147 Eventually the brass put a halt toour after-hours listening ses- sions there because one night weput a hole in one of the ceil- ing tiles trying to break in … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text148 CHAPTER FOUR around. Even during the day, when youheard an explosion, you knew it meant someone had stepped on amine.” Steve Piotrowski, a radio telephone oper… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 149 enemy know where we were at.Transistor radios were not allowed in the field.” But evenwhen silence was vital, soldiers often carried music in … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text154 CHAPTER FOUR tape center” in Da Nang, which gaveher access to an unusually wide range of music. “I wouldspend hours and hours and hours at night copying mus… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 153 every night. Thanks to the war, Iwas hardly religious then! Three Dog Night, Bread’s Manna, andElton John were also big with me ’til I discov- ered Car… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text152 CHAPTER FOUR that AFVN had some pretty cool late-nightprograms like ‘Sgt. Pepper,’ where a DJ would pick some of thelatest new bands’ records and play them,” he ex… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 151 fame, Chris Noel, and AdrianCronauer of Good Morning, Vietnam fame. Allyn Lepeska, anarmy medic who served in Da Nang in 1968-69, re- cal… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text150 CHAPTER FOUR advocates saw as a radical alternative toAmerican consumer culture. Visiting a friend at Long Binh afterseveral weeks in the bush, the ma- rine Michael Blecke… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 159 If Cronauer declines the roleassigned him by Hollywood, an unorga- nized and ever-changinglineup of DJs dedicated themselves to expand- ing the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text158 CHAPTER FOUR Remember now-this was in 1968-69. Ibelieve it all changed shortly after I left due to a few major issuesof censorship that got back to the American News me… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 157 antimilitary oranti-American-which left much to the imagina- tion, was out.Therefore “We Got To Get Out of This Place&qu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text156 CHAPTER FOUR contemporary production guys I ever met.It was mostly through his efforts that the station morphed intoone of the best and tight- est Top 40 stations you coul… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 155 a Warm Gun’ and ‘Why Don’tWe Do It in the Road?’ And they hated all the Jimi Hendrix stuffbecause it sort of played into the pot-smoking sort of g… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text164 CHAPTER FOUR “Well, to quote an old country andwestern star,” he said, “I told them to ‘take this joband shove it.’ I marched down to personnel and, you gu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 163 busted.’ He was really pissed off.After a minute, a voice comes over the airwaves, ‘Where am I,major?’ And right away, other guys in the relay join in, ‘… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text162 CHAPTER FOUR narration, some of the harder rock wasbeing played. It wasn’t all Top 40. Uriah Heep, a little IsleyBrothers.” Frank Gutierrez, who spent four year… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 161 Jason . . .” I heard storiesthat guys in the field would stop and put a radio in the middle of acircle, pass joints around, have a case of beer. I’d take i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text160 CHAPTER FOUR whose memories of growing up includedseeing the Motown Revue and Sam and Dave live. Describinghimself as “your basic grunt for the first part of … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 169 musical tradition meet in thesongs of the Vietnam War.” Fish’s article “Songs ofAmericans in the Vietnam War” (1993) observe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text168 CHAPTER FOUR was there, Dong Ha was a peaceful place.When I started reading about Nam a decade later I learned thatthe period before I was there, and the period after I w… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 167 erature. “It was intense. Atthe clubs in the rear, once people started drinking, there was a lotof name calling. And, of course, Hanoi Han- nah would … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text166 CHAPTER FOUR pilot who was imprisoned at the infamousHanoi Hilton.’ Listing Buffy Sainte-Marie’s “UniversalSoldier,” Bob Dylan’s “With God On Our Si… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 165 “We met every day afterwork and on our days off and hammered out music, commercials,gimmicks, and shticks,” Rabbit recalled. “… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text174 CHAPTER FOUR a break from the routine of working as aphoto interpreter at Tan Son Nhut, where he was stationed fromSeptember 1967 to July 1968. One of the first things … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 173 There Isn’t Any Jukebox in theJungle (Copyright, Gordon Fowler. All rights reserved.) Well, thereisn’t any jukebox in the jungle And there are no honky … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text172 CHAPTER FOUR knew at the time that Phil Ochs hadactually written it as an anti- war song. The first time I heard itwas at a USO show, sung by a marine; I thought he had… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 171 the early blues and rock I couldlearn. I joined up with some high school buds and formed a bandcalled the Nite Lites. I swear Miller beer stole the ‘Lite’… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text170 CHAPTER FOUR rifleman” of the First Cavalry in 1969,later reassigned to perform for grunts; Toby Hughes, an F4-Caircraft commander with the 557th Tac- tical Fighter S… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 179 The GIs loved us. We played infront of huge crowds-twenty, thirty, forty thousand sometimes.Why did I keep going back? I needed the money. The b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text178 CHAPTER FOUR talked to agreed with Dave Gallaher’sassessment that Asian bands “cov- ered the Top 40extremely well, wasn’t much need for GIs to do that.&… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 177 Dinh province in late 1968.”Once that happened, we got there once every three weeksor so; about halfway into my tour we were getting a da… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text176 CHAPTER FOUR from the black repertoire. Our singer was agospel singer, he sang Jimi Hendrix in a gospel way; he’d get upand sing ‘Purple Haze.’ It was pret- ty funny, but the pe… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 175 have to go to Vietnam.”Living in Hawaii, where his father was stationed in the air force,Williams started playing songs by Paul Revere and the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text184 CHAPTER FOUR walk right into the firefight. I took refuge ina restaurant. I went through the procedure of coming out ofmilitary clothes-stripping down to my pants. I took my … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 183 The understandable reluctanceof touring musical acts to perform in or near combat zonesopened opportunities for in-country soldier- musician… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text182 CHAPTER FOUR were in Vietnam.” Arriving inVietnam in September 1967, the group encountered a gruelingschedule. “We would do from one to three show… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Chain of Fools” 181 was ambivalent about thepolitics surrounding the war but not about the need to supportthe men fighting it. Shortly after his return from Vietn… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text180 CHAPTER FOUR struggled to stand. Their struggles werepoignant, and many of us wiped away tears. We stood beneath afull moon, realized that the same moon would be looki… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish