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Shia looked from his monitor, rubbed his eyes, and stared down the…

Shia looked from his monitor, rubbed his eyes, and stared down the dark hallway toward the CFO’s office. He was certain a sound had come from behind the closed door. It was a heavy thump, like someone had dropped a bowling ball.

There shouldn’t be anyone else here at this hour, Shia thought to himself as he looked at his watch. The only illumination came from Shia’s computer monitor. His office was on the thirtieth floor, far too high to get much more than a faint glow from the streetlights below. Shia slowly stood up before reaching down to turn off the computer screen, hoping to hide in the darkness. He considered turning on his phone’s flashlight, but his thoughts were cut short by a loud crash followed by the unmistakable tinkling of shattered glass.

Shia froze, as if he were caught by the gaze of Medusa. The initial doubt that he would actually find someone snooping around the CFO’s office had turned to an icy fear that gripped his lungs and would not let him breathe. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears; he knew whoever was in his boss’s office must be able to hear it.

Another crash, followed by a loud howl that he was sure couldn’t be human, shocked Shia into motion. He broke into a run… in the opposite direction. He sprinted for the emergency stairwell and rushed downward, jumping over the last few steps of each flight. Shia didn’t stop running until he had burst through the ground floor exit to the parking garage and found his car. His heart continued racing until he was at home in bed. He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force himself to sleep: “I don’t think I can work late anymore”.

1. Which of the following contains only key points of the passage?

A) There is a thump like a dropped bowling ball, a loud crash, and the tinkling of shattered glass.

B) Shia is working late, he hears mysterious noises, and he is frightened enough to leave work.

C) There are frightening noises in the office. Shia goes home. Shia sends his boss a text.

D) Shia is working at his computer, there is little light and no one else should be in the building.

2. Which of the following is the topic of the excerpt?

A) A boss’s expectations of an employee

B) A building with poor lighting and security

C) A mysterious experience at work.

D) An employee who is easily scared.

3. Which of the follwing is the tone of the passage?

A) Tense
B) Aggressive
C) Witty
D) Incredulous

4) Which of the following sentences from the passage supports the conclusion that the passages takes place in the 21st Century?

A) He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force himself to sleep: “I don’t think I can work late anymore”

B) “Shia froze, as if he were caught by the gaze of Medusa.”

C) “His office was on the thirteenth floor, far too high to get much more than a faint glow from the street lights below”.

D) “Shia didn’t stop running until he had a burst through the ground floor exit to the parking garage and found his car.”




Office memo

To Staff

From CEO

Date: June 18, 2021

Subject: naps


In recent company-wide audits,

Office Memo Subject Naps Eapployees, many employees have reported fatigue at work.
Combined with our acquisition of 10 major projects this year, I’m concerned about our employees’ productivity and health.

According to a 2003 sudy, napping for 60 minutes helped improve verbal, motor skills and perceptual learning better than caffeine. Many succesful companies have adapted the practice of work naps. In industries like tech, manufacturing, even NASA.

Starting today, we will be providing a designated nap room in each office buliding near the gym and cafeteria to help employees take care of their bodies and minds, so they can be happier, healthier, and more productive.

Thank you.

Melinda Yasquex

1) Which of the following first prompted the CEO to consider implementing nap rooms?

a) Company-wide audits that reported employee fatigue

b) Reading the 2008 study about napping in the workplace.

c) Having extra rooms available near the gym and cafeteria.

d) Learning that NASA allows napping during the workday.

2) Which of the following additional pieces of information supports the claim that napping during the workday will help employees “be happier, healthy and more productive”?

a) Rested people have better impulse control, so they are more likely to choose nutritious food over junk food.

b) A study showing that the best time for a nap is 2 and 3 p.m.

c) Multiple companies have designed special seats or pods specifically for getting the optimal workplace nap.

d) In 1999, National Napping Day was founded in response to Daylight Savings Time.


On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creekstone held a remarkable 90th birthday party at his countryside estate. Present were 3,000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party was treated to a stunning a seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr. Creekstone felt that next year’s birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. “We’ll need at least seven more zebras,” he said.

1. Which of the following conclusions is supported by all of the details provided about the birthday party?

a. The Creekstone estate is a half-acre lot lined with trees.

b. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is an unconventional fellow

c. The Creekstone estate cannot hold seven more zebras

d. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is a carnivorous eater.

2. Which of following quotes from a guest at the birthday party contains a stereotype?

a. “I would never want my own birthday party to have smelly zebras and loud fireworks.”

b. “I once thought Dr. Creekstone to be irresponsible, but this party was well-planned and executed.”

c. “The food provided was inedible; nevertheless, this party turned my sour mood around.”

d. “Considering the elderly age of Dr. Creekstone, he was surprisingly articulate and intelligent.”



A study group is asked to prepare a report about the effects of mobile phone use on consumer hearing which of the following sources is most likely to provide relevant data?

A. A consumer report about surcharges applied to customers bill by mobile phone companies
B. A professional journal article about the incidence of genetic hearing loss
C. A university research paper about decibel limits of headphones and speakers
D. A statistical report of mobile phone usage by mobile phone company


he volunteers for the incumbent candidate planned to canvass the neighborhood in an attempt to garner more support from constituents in their political party. Unbeknownst to them, the voter address list was erroneously switched meaning that although they were walking door-to-door they were walking to the doors of people registered under a different political party.
In a surprising twist, the process of discussing the candidate stance on the issues did raise support. On election day, the incumbent candidate lost but received more votes in the neighborhood where volunteers canvassed despite focusing on members of the opposing party.

Which of the following statements should be included in as accurate summary from the text? Select all that apply

A. The canvassed voters recognized that the candidate was unqualified
B. The candidate had never been a politician before
C. The volunteers went to the houses of the opposing party accidentally
D. The candidate received more votes in places the volunteers canvassed
E. The canvassed voters changed party affiliations


The following sentences can be combines to form a paragraph . Which of the following sentences represent the main idea?

A. They have quite distinct and remarkably charming personalities
B. People kept begging us for more photos
C. We created a social media account for fans to follow their adventures
D. Our dogs are the most adorable creatures in the world