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Scenario:  ABC Limited is a not for profit organisation who is an…


ABC Limited is a not for profit organisation who is an ASQA approved RTO in VIC.  ABC limited is committed to delivering the best education to the students so that they can enhance their knowledge and skills.   

You have recently joined as a ABC limited as training manager role. Your primary focus will be to lead and manage your team, including business and workforce planning and systems, to ensure effective delivery of lessons. This includes overseeing operations in all matters relating to legislative requirements, staffing and business operations. 

 As part of the process, your manager asked you to complete your personal development plan. 




Activity 1: Prepare a personal development plan. 




Your task   

Prepare a personal development plan by completing the given template.  

You will be required to complete and/or attach. 

Complete the following Template  and submit to your Trainer/ Assessor. 



          Personal development plan 



Current position: 


Career mission statement 


Understanding Yourself: 

Discover who you are and what you want by conducting a “Personal SWOT Analysis.” 

You must conduct this SWOT Analysis to improve your professional practice areas. 









Career objectives and major career goals (Write at least two) 


Personal goals and objectives (Write at least two) 







Action Plan  






Action Steps 

Complete by (Date) 

Resources required 

Evaluation (How will you measure progress) 

































Activity 2: Performance appraisal meeting 



Additional Scenario: 

You have completed six months in your role as a training manager with ABC Limited. You have made some major changes in the human resources, including dismissing three staff who is working for the last five years because they were not following the new protocols created by you. You have also added a new student management system and invested almost $300K. You have to read books on negotiation and leadership to improve your knowledge. 

Your manager (James) has arranged a performance appraisal meeting to evaluate your performance. He will be asked your question according to the performance appraisal form and collect information. He is concerned related to dismiss three important staff. He will also discuss the client complaint related to service was not provided on time and no communication provided. 

Your task   

The scene will be set up as follows: 

A learner from the group will be asked to play the manager (James). He will act according to the given scenario.
You will act as a community service manager and do the following: o Use verbal and non-verbal language to explain your point.  o Show respect to the manager.  o Reflect on values, beliefs and behaviours.  o Discuss the response why you have dismissed three staff.  o Explain your point of view on the client complaint.
Discuss your development plan and explain how you are implementing the plan.
Use active listing and observation to understand the manager’s point of view.
Identify improvement needs based on discussion with the manager.  o Discuss your self-care requirements and the support required from the manager.
Discuss new current and emerging technologies related to the organisation and how it will help the community centre.
Discuss legal and ethical requirements that need to be followed and improve.

You will be required to complete and/or attach. 

Your manager James will complete the performance appraisal form, discuss the finding with you. You need to submit the completed form to your trainer/assessor. 

Your trainer will observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist. 


You need to complete this task in 15-20 minutes. 




Performance Appraisal Form



Employee info 


Employee name 






Employee id 



Reviewer Name 



Position held 



Reviewer title 



Last review date 



Today’s date 











Works to Full Potential 






Quality of Work 






Work Consistency 












Independent Work






Takes Initiative 






Group Work 






























Coworker Relations






Client Relations 






Technical Skills 


























Discussion points 

Three staff dismissals 





Client complaints  





Current and emerging technologies   









Achieved goals set in the previous review? 







Goals for next review period 







Comments and approval 










Employee signature 


Reviewer signature 




Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 


Trainer/ Assessor to complete 

Does the candidate meet the following criteria 



Trainer/Assessor Comments 

Student demonstrates- 

Use verbal and non-verbal language to explain your point.
Use hand and body movements to explain the point of view.
Show respect to the manager.  o Give a smile and greet all the people.
Use eye contact.
Reflect on values, beliefs and behaviours.
Discussed values, beliefs to the manager.
Discuss different staff behaviours and protocol required to maintain the staff.
Use active listing and observation to understand the manager’s needs.
Actively listen to the client so you can identify the needs and support them.
Confirm what you have heard.
Discuss the response why you have dismissed three staff.
Discuss the new protocols and client management system.
Discuss the reasons for dismissing the staff.
Discuss the reason for the client complaint.
Discuss your personal development plan and explain how you are implementing the plan.
Discussed the mission and SWAT analysis.





Discussed goals and actions which are taken so far.
Discuss the progress of the goals.





Discussion with manager o Discussed the support required from the manager. 

Discussed self-care needs. For example, needs to meditate to calm.
Identify improvement required based on discussion.





Current and emerging technologies  o Discuss new current and emerging technologies related to the organisation and how it will help the community centre. 

o Discuss new client management system 





Legal and ethical requirements  o Discuss how to meet 

legal and ethical requirements to manage the community centre. 







Activity 3: Improve your own performance.   



Additional Scenario: 

In the performance appraisal, your manager (James) identified that you as a training manager needs to improve your performance in public speaking, including communication in a group setting. 

He also asked you to arrange a meeting with your team and discuss the importance of communication within a team. 

Your task   

You need to prepare two pages of notes on team communication and discuss them with your team. 

The scene will be set up as follows: 

Three learners from the group will be asked to play the role of staff.  They need to attain the meeting related to team communication and ask a question related to support provided by the organisation.
Your trainer will act as your manager (James) and provide feedback on your performance.
You will act as a community service manager and do the following: o Prepare one-two page notes on team communication by researching on the internet.

o Discuss the information in the meeting with the staff.  o Collect verbal feedback on the performance. 

You will be required to complete and/or attach. 

You need to submit one to two pages of notes to your trainer/assessor.   

Your trainer will observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist. 


You need to complete this task in 15-20 minutes. 



Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task: 


Trainer/ Assessor to complete 




Does the candidate meet the following criteria 



Trainer/Assessor Comments 

Student demonstrates- 

Prepare one-two page notes on team communication by conducting internet research.
Researched and collected information related to team communication.
Discuss the information in the meeting with the staff. o Greet the people.  o Made eye contact.  o Use hand and body movement to connect with the staff.
Discuss team communication importance and why it is important.
Allow other staff to ask questions.
Answer all the questions.
Collected verbal feedback on the performance.
Identified the areas for improvements







Activity 4: Seek specialist advice 


This activity is continuing from the previous activity. 

Your task   

In the previous activity, you have identified that you need a specialist to advise on public speaking, so you need to write an email to a public speaking specialist to seek support. 

You will be required to complete and/or attach. 

You are required to complete the email template and submit it to your assessor. 


Email template 



Subject – 

Email body