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Rough Draft of Problem-Solving Essay



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Please submit here a copy of your Essay Three: Problem-Solving Essay rough draft, for a review by the instructor.


Level 4


20 points

Level 3


18 points

Level 2


16 points

Level 1


14 points

Criterion Score


Criterion 1- Content: Introduction & Thesis Statement/Problem Statement Paper has an attention-grabber, with adequate background information that leads to a valid thesis statement or valid problem statements. Paper may have an attention-grabber, but lacks a viable thesis statement or problem statements. Background information is sketchy. Paper lacks an attention-grabber; an attempt at a thesis statement fails. The Introduction lacks focus The Introduction is done in a rambling manner.

Score of Criterion 1- Content: Introduction & Thesis Statement/Problem Statement,

/ 20

Criterion 2- Organization The order of problems and solutions match the order given in the thesis. Paper focuses on a clearly delineated problem, for which pragmatic, cost-effective, and measurable solutions are proposed. Paragraphs transition appropriately, using transitional terms, words, or phrases. There is no consistent order of problems and their suggested solutions. Solutions are not presented in a logical manner. Transitions from paragraph to paragraph are not always done in a smooth way. The paper paper jumps from one problem to another, in an untidy manner. The scope of the problem mentioned is too wide. Proposed solutions are superficial and ineffectual. Paragraphs lack transitions. Paper is written in a generalized, rambling manner. There is no identifiable solution that matches an identified problem.

Score of Criterion 2- Organization,

/ 20

Criterion 3- Counter-arguing A clear attempt is made to counter-argue opposing viewpoints. Counter-arguing is fully articulated. There is a weak attempt at counter-arguing. Paper makes no attempt to counter-argue.

Score of Criterion 3- Counter-arguing,

/ 20

Criterion 4- MLA Format Paper contains no sign of plagiarism. There is a well-formatted “Heading,” as well as a “Header.” Paragraphs are indented half-an-inch off the margin. Paper is double-spaced. When sources are used, there is appropriate documentation, both in-text and in a parenthesis. The Works Cited section, if created, is rendered in the specified MLA mode. The paper mostly adheres to the MLA mode. There are some formatting problems. Formatting issues impede the flow of meaning in the paper. Where sources are referenced, they are not well documented. Paper does not adhere to the MLA mode of documentation.

Score of Criterion 4- MLA Format,

/ 20

Criterion 5- Grammar Paper has few or no errors of comma splice, run-on sentences, or fragments. There is Subject-Verb agreement, without a pervasive use of the Their/They pronoun to refer to singular subjects. A few grammar errors may distarct from the flow of the essay. There are pervasive grammar errors in the essay. Paper is mostly unreadable because of grammar errors. Meaning is mangled, as a result.

Score of Criterion 5- Grammar,

/ 20


Score of Rubric for Problem Solving Essay

/ 100