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Role-Play 2 – Service delivery over the phone to an internal…

Role-Play 2 – Service delivery over the phone to an internal customer

Scenario: -It is 10:00 AM on Thursday and you are busy working as a Receptionist in Front Office at The Righteous Inn preparing emails to send to guests confirming their reservations.

You have a varied role that includes taking reservations, checking guests in and out, processing guest accounts as well as guest contact and service responsibilities.

Being an efficient worker, you have all room & property information up to date, including the following information: –

A tour group from Compass-Wide Travel have booked the entire 4th floor and the 15 rooms on that floor need to be ready by noon: this group had initially indicated they would not be arriving until 8:00 PM but their flight was rescheduled and they are now arriving early and five of their rooms are still showing as ‘Dirty’ on your system – this is potentially a real problem and it needs to be fixed because it is the first time this company have used your property and they could be a very big revenue source in the future
Mr Jones who is a VIP regular is due in at 11:00 AM and needs to be checked into Room 285 which is still showing on the system as ‘Dirty’
Room 863 is due in at 5:00 PM and have requested a cot in their room
Management has promised Mr Watts in Room 235 a free upgrade as compensation for a complaint and he is to be re-roomed to the Penthouse Suite as soon as possible.
Room 754 have requested more clean bath towels and some more coffee and milk
Mr and Mrs Ng in Room 831 have contacted you and advised they will be leaving today and not tomorrow as booked
All other rooms are late check-ins, not expected to arrive until 7:00 PM and later, so there is no rush for these rooms.

You are also responsible for providing information as requested by the Housekeeping department to help them service rooms in an order that will enable guests to be checked in to clean rooms without delay, and to get vacant departed (‘Dirty’) rooms cleaned quickly and ready for resale.

Housekeeping can telephone you at any time, but they usually ring just after 10 o’clock to get an update.

You must remember to pass on compliments from a guest who departed earlier today: they said they had never stayed in such a clean room and were extremely impressed with how polite and helpful the Room Attendants were.

You also want to give them a heads-up that occupancy for this coming weekend is expected to only be 25% on Saturday and Sunday nights.

The phone rings. 

Learner instructions

For this Role-play you are required to demonstrate how to: –

Engage on the phone with an internal customer and determine their needs.
Implement quality customer service in accordance with organizational requirements.

You must complete all tasks within the required time limit which for this Role-play is five (5) minutes. 

The assessment will take place in a simulated front office reception area with your Assessor (Teacher) playing the role of the customer you interact with. 

Answer: – Role-play Script: – Assuming for Assessor as Customer, also other student as Reception, Head Waiter, Waiter, Chef & Hotel Staff Scripts or Dialogues