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Rhetorical Analysis on “Flawed Artificial Intelligence Makes Robots…

Rhetorical Analysis on “Flawed Artificial Intelligence Makes Robots Racist, Sexis” by Overman, Debbie Would you have ever thought a robot could be racist or sexist? Robots are built to recognize faces and objects. In some situations robots are better to be used than humans for example in dangerous situations. Researchers have found that when robots are built off internet data they tend to be racist. With some robots being internet built this means that they could wrongfully put labels on people. They will categorize people without even knowing which could have a bad effect on these people. In the article “Flawed artificial intelligence makes robots racist, sexist” the type of claim the author is presenting is a fact claim. The author is presenting a claim of fact because the author is arguing that robots built off internet data are built to be racist and sexist to the African American community. The audience is specifically towards the ones who build the robots. Specifically for the ones who study and work on artificial intelligence technologies. Robots being used to enforce the law contribute to the mistreatment of African Americans because they are sexist, they are racist, and they collect wrongful data against them. First, the author uses ethos to establish their credibility. Debbie Overman shows this credibility by focusing and talking about the main issue, “A robot operating with a popular internet-based artificial intelligence system consistently gravitates to men over women, white people over people of color, and jumps to conclusions about peoples’ jobs after a glance at their face.” In this world there’s a lot of race issues against the African American community. This issue is currently still happening but being put into robots. If robots are being taught toxic stereotypes, then this means nothing is going to change in this society. These toxic stereotypes could lead to wrongful arrest and could bring wrongful accusations towards the black community. The author displays this quote to show the reader that she is a credible source and has one as well. Second, pathos is being applied to have a connection with the reader through sadness and anger. Overman uses pathos to show how the black community is being treated and unheard. “We’re at risk of creating a generation of racist and sexist robots, but people and organizations have decided it’s OK to create these products without addressing the issues.” The main issue is racism and it’s not being fixed. The African American community has suffered enough with this issue. The author has stated that the same racist and sexist issue is occurring and that this world has gotten so used to just brushing things under the rug that the companies and the people are doing the same. In this quote the type of emotions the author presents are frustration and anger because the issues aren’t being addressed, they’re just being added onto. The author presents this quote to have a shared connection with the reader with the emotions sadness and anger. In addition, if the issue doesn’t get fixed there will continue to be more accusations, more wrongful convictions, and mistreatment from the justice system. Third, logos are being used to state statistical evidence and facts to persuade the reader. “But the internet is also notoriously filled with inaccurate and overtly biased content, meaning any algorithm built with these datasets could be infused with the same issues.” The author presents this quote to show logos. The internet is not 100 percent accurate and with that there’s being wrong information pushed out which is having an effect on this world. With companies trying to build robots based off the internet which has incorrect information is a second big issue. The quote shows effective logos because the robots have these toxic stereotypes because of the internet. These toxic stereotypes are artificial intelligence systems choosing men over women, white people over people of color, and jumping to conclusions about peoples’ jobs after a glance at their face. Fourth, the pattern of arrangement the author utilizes is problem and solution. The author states that the cause is that robots are being built to enforce the law but are sexist and racist to the black and brown community. The effect is that the black community continues to get labeled even before knowing them and they’re most likely going to get mistreated for it. In conclusion, the author wanted the readers to know that if the information isn’t fixed or being fixed then creating new things isn’t going to help us in this world. Bringing robots to enforce the law is a bad idea if they’re going to be just like humans. This should matter because it is wrong to keep treating the black community let alone anyone to be treated this way. This world could and will never change if the primary issue is being swept under the rug




This essay asks writers to conduct a rhetorical analysis: evaluating and explaining how a writer, composer, or producer communicates, maybe even influences, an audience in a visual/oral/verbal text. Has the writer introduced and described the text that they are responding to? If so, is it effective? If not effective, how can they improve?


Has the writer analyzed the way the text uses rhetorical effects and strategies to make its argument or point about a cultural, social, or political practice, value, or policy? Have they included enough detail in their analysis? If so, what are they doing well? If not, where is more detail needed?


What examples has the writer used to establish a thesis about how the text “works”? Is it enough? If not, where do they need further examples to illustrate their analysis?


This essay called for writers to use MLA or APA documentation to cite the sources used. To the best of your knowledge, are there any missing or incorrectly formatted citations? Are any sources unclear? Where can the writer improve their documentation?