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Rewrite the arguments in standard form. Every premise and…

Rewrite the arguments in standard form. Every premise and conclusion should be numbered


Below is an example of what a standard form argument could include.

1) First premise [in a complete sentence]
2) Second premise
3) ? Subconclusion  (from …. premise numbers, and dependent. or independent.) [if there are any subconclusions]
4) (assumed) Assumed premise
5) ? Main conclusion (from ….. premise numbers, and dep. or ind.)




“Telling children that they better believe that the Earth is round because we say it is and we know better and people who disagree with us are ridiculous, is no better than telling them that we ought to burn witches.”


**NOTE This person likely does not think that we should burn witches, and is using this fact to indicate that we should not do something else, which is no better that telling children to burn witches. 

So, I would frame the argument like this:


1) Telling children that they better believe that the Earth is round because we say it is and we know better and people who disagree with us are ridiculous, is no better than telling them that we ought to burn witches.

2) (Assumed): We should not be telling children that we ought to burn witches.
3) (Implied): Therefore, we should not tell children that they better believe that the Earth is round because we say it is and we know better and people who disagree with us are ridiculous. (From 1 + 2, dependent)



“If mankind were the cause of global warming, then how can you explain the fact that Mars and the other planets are also going through a warming phase?”


1) If mankind were the cause of global warming, then Mars and the other planets would not be experiencing warming phases.
2) Mars and the other planets are experiencing warming phases.
3) ? Mankind is not responsible for global warming. (from 1 + 2, dependent) 


NEED Assistance with these 


Example 1): “I know you have been saying that kids nowadays are getting out of control, but even Plato complained about children talking back to their parents.”


Example 2) “Hey, Ralph. If you believe that Nietzsche was a genius and had the right philosophy, and he held that Christianity was a slave religion, then how can you possibly be a Christian?”