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Review and Give feedback  In this experiment, a controlled group…

Review and Give feedback 

In this experiment, a controlled group of 150 people were asked to answer a survey. When selecting the people for this survey, 50 people who vape, 50 people who smoke, and 50 people who do not smoke nor vape were selected. This survey consisted of ten questions regarding their habits related to smoking and/or vaping. These questions allowed the corresponding data to be collected to help determine what substance abuse is more common. It led to the conclusion that people smoke or vape because they are under a bad influence of their friends or relatives. They will spend money purchasing them no matter the cost. The overall purpose of this experiment was to determine which addictive habit is healthier: smoking or vaping. After analyzing the results, vaping is slightly healthier. Both smoking and vaping has serious health effects due there addictive substances such as nicotine and tobacco. They could seriously cause long-term effects. 

Keywords: smoking, vaping, health issues, anxiety, depression



            Vaping vs. Smoking: Vaping is Healthier

Over the past years, both vaping and smoking have become more common. As technology advances, newer vaping devices have been developed. Since they each have their own distinct features, it has been difficult keeping up with these new developments, yet scientists are doing everything they can to learn more about vapes (McNeill et. al., 2021). According to Sam Cwalina et. al., younger people are the ones mostly using vapes. Their research claims youngsters are more likely to smoke in the future. Based on the National Youth Tobacco Survey from 2022, those vaping have their odds at seven times higher to become smokers than a person who does not smoke or vape. This has led several organizations to find a solution to decrease the consumption of toxic solutions found in vapes or cigarettes. However, they may only focus on one specific group of people, either vapers or smokers. They must decide which action requires an immediate solution. Hence, the question remains, which one is worse: vaping or smoking? Which one should be controlled? In this research paper, the hypothesis-based approach to determine which one is more common even though it has been hypothesizedthat smoking is worse than vaping, yet vaping is more common nowadays. Although vaping is less harmful than smoking, vapes still contain harmful substances.

Materials and Methods

In this experiment, a survey will be conducted on a controlled group of people. There will be a total of 150 people tested that will be divided into three groups: 50 people who smoke, 50 people who vape, and 50 people who don’t do either. They will all answer the exact same survey that consists of 10 questions that will overall help determine whether smoking or vaping is worse. The survey questions are listed below:

1. How old are you?
2. Do you suffer from depression and/or anxiety?
3. Have you ever smoked or vaped? If yes, how often do you smoke or vape daily?
4. How old were you when you first smoked or vaped?
5. Where did you obtain your cigarette or vape from?
6. Why did you start smoking or vaping?
7. What do you believe is more addictive: smoking or vaping?
8. How much money do you spend weekly on these harmful substances (vapes/cigarettes)?
9. Do people around you smoke or vape?
10. Do you believe you will continue to smoke or vape next year?