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Research the nutritional needs of the following two men: Male 1:…

Research the nutritional needs of the following two men:

Male 1: 30-year-old male, long-distance runner who weighs 140 lbs. and has a body fat percentage of 20 percent. He is 5’10” tall.

Male 2: 30-year-old male, works a desk job all day. He is sedentary and the only exercise he gets is a short walk once a week. He weighs 190 lbs. and his body fat percentage is 30 percent. He is also 5’10” tall.

Based on your research, use your best judgment to estimate the following nutritional requirements for each man. Record your information on the provided sheet.

Daily caloric needs
Daily intake of macronutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates (in grams)
Daily water intake (in cups)
Any recommended micronutrients or supplements (optional)

Step 2: Graph

Create  a bar graph comparing the daily nutritional needs of each man. See example below for reference. Note: The following graph is merely an example on how to design your graph; the data included is not relevant.

You may create  your graph by hand on paper or poster board, use a slide presentation program, or a word processing program.

Step 3: Statistical Information

Using the provided Statistics Recording Form, record your answers for each of the following:

Find the combined mean of the two men’s daily macronutrients (remember – macronutrients include proteins, fat, and carbohydrates). Use the following formula:

Male 1 protein + fat + carbohydrates + Male 2 protein + fat + carbohydrates = X
X ÷ 6 = Mean

Find the combined median of the two men’s daily macronutrients. Use the following formula:

Take all numbers (Male 1 & Male 2 protein, fat, carbohydrates) and arrange from least to greatest.
Take the two numbers in the middle (the 3rd and 4th number) and add them together, then divide by 2. The answer is your median.

Find the combined mode of the two men’s daily macronutrients. Use the following formula:

Arrange all numbers (Male 1 & Male 2 protein, fat, carbohydrates) in numerical order. The number that appears most frequently is the mode. If no number is repeated, then there is no mode.

Find the combined interquartile range of the two men’s macronutrients. To do  this, use the following instructions:

Arrange all numbers (Male 1 & Male 2 protein, fat, and carbohydrates) in numerical order so you have two data sets.
Find the median of each data set (i.e. for the lower and upper halves of your data set).
Subtract the median of the lower set from the higher set to find the IQR, or interquartile range.

Find the combined standard deviation of the two men’s macronutrients. To do  this, use the following instructions:

Take the average of the men’s macronutrients.
From each macronutrient (Male 1 & Male 2’s protein, fat, and carbohydrates) subtract the mean and square the difference (for example, protein – average of macronutrients = x2)
Find the average of all of the squared numbers (i.e. the average of all of the numbers you found in Step 2).
Find the square root of the average of the squared numbers (i.e. the square root of the number you found in Step 3). This answer is your standard deviation.

Step 4: Sample Meal Plan for 1 Day

Create  a sample meal plan for one complete day for each man. Your plan should clearly depict what each man will eat throughout the day, including amounts. This plan should be created with their individual nutritional needs in mind.

Be sure that the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and water each man receives from their daily meal plan aligns with your research regarding their ideal nutritional requirements. You may use the included template or create  your own in a word processing document, slide show presentation, or hand-created document.

Step 5: Summarizing Paragraph

To conclude this activity, you will write (at least) one paragraph that includes:

A brief explanation regarding why you chose the types and amounts of foods that you selected for each man.
Analyze and compare how each meal plan and each man’s nutritional needs are similar and different.
Discuss how this weeklong plan could translate into a long-term personal health plan.