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Requirements for this research paper:   If you choose this option,…

Requirements for this research paper:  

If you choose this option, your paper must do the following:

Be on a topic developed from the list provided at the end of these guidelines. Note that the topics below are very general and would need to be narrowed down for a presentation of this length.
Be written exclusively in the third-person voice, double-spaced, 12-point font, and be a minimum of 8 full pages (approx. 2000 words) without the title page and Works Cited
Employ no less than ten sources, which will include films, as well as articles, textbooks, reference works, etc.
However, all quotes and paraphrases should be kept brief and fully analyzed in your own words.
Have a clear and supportable thesis that is fully developed and explored through detailed analysis
Have a title that clearly indicates your specific topic (ex: don’t just say “Research Paper” or “Comedy”)
Avoid all plot and character summaries, as well as bios of the director and actors. Focus only on the prompt.
Correctively and effectively use the film terminology we have employed throughout the course
Document all research (quotes, paraphrases and summaries of information) with in-text citations and a works cited page in MLA format (please review the “MLA Resources” page in our course for a refresher about MLA formatting and how to avoid plagiarism.)
Submit your presentation by the due date. No late projects will be accepted.




Explore how one contemporary film is an homage to an earlier style or body of work. Some examples might include Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge as an homage to early silent films, vaudeville, 19th-century photography, etc; La La Land as an homage to many classic Hollywood musicals; or one of Jackie Chan’s movies as homage to Keaton, Chaplin, and Lloyd. These are just a few of a myriad of possibilities.   


The film you choose does not have to have been on our list.
a. You must reference at least 9 films to which the contemporary one pays homage and explain how it does so. 
b. First and foremost, explore the connections between cinematic techniques (including camera work, editing, film and narrative form, as well as story lines, themes, and style/vision.)
1. Be sure to analyze and compare specific scenes in your chosen film with specific scenes in those that have influenced it  
ii. Does the contemporary film parody or more seriously imitate previous ones in this genre? Does it innovate techniques, storylines, etc.
c. Discuss (in your conclusion) contributions the contemporary film makes to the genre
d. Do research using academic sources. (from the JWU Library databases).
e. Cite all films and other sources in your Works Cited.