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report assignment     Scenario    You are a teacher at Lollipop…

report assignment





You are a teacher at Lollipop Academy, an elementary school with students in kindergarten to grade 5. During a paint class last Tuesday, two 9-year old students got into an argument because one of them didn’t want to share their paint. Since the verbal argument was escalating towards becoming physical, you stepped in to try to calm the situation. You talked to both kids and told them that the incident would not be recorded as long as they both behaved appropriately. Just as you said this, one child made an angry comment that the other kid never gets in trouble. The child then threw a paint bottle at the wall, which bounced off the wall and hit you directly in the face. Your lip started bleeding. 


You now need to write an incident report in which you explain the incident and give recommendations to solve the problem. Unlike a typical incident report, you will be adding research sources to explain why you chose your recommendations. When describing the incident in the report, invent any necessary details to tell the complete story. 




Grading Criteria 


As this is the final assignment (due on the last day of class), you will receive a grade without feedback. Your grade will be based on the following criteria: 

Format and Layout

Include the following sections only:
Title (with your name(s) below)
Incident Type (describe in a few words)
Individuals Involved (include first and last names)
Date and Time of Incident
Description of Incident

Use 12-point font (Calibri, Cambria, Arial or Helvetica) & left-aligned
Make headings stand out
Include a space between paragraphs & sections
Use a maximum of 150 words per paragraph
1 – 2 people: Use approx. 2 pages, single-spaced (not including reference list)
3 people: Use approx. 3 pages, single-spaced (not including reference list)

Use of Secondary Sources

1 – 2 people: Use 4 – 6 sources
Include in-text citations:
Option 1: Use APA formatting.
Option 2: Use hyperlinks or endnotes.
Include a reference list on a separate page:
Option 1: List your sources using APA formatting.
Option 2: Create a list of hyperlinks to your sources.
Use reliable sources (use keywords like “studies”, “data”, “statistics”, “research” when searching for your sources)
Use proper paraphrasing & summarizing (no quotes or plagiarism); do not use the same wording as in the assignment

Style and Grammar

Write in complete sentences and paragraphs
Use proper grammar & punctuation
Use active/passive voice correctly
Use plain, familiar and conversational language
Insert transitions to connect sentences
Use a maximum of 25 words per sentence
Use a maximum of 150 words per paragraph
Use specific, concrete language
Use parallelism
Use “you” focus
Avoid dangling modifiers
Avoid long-noun sequences
Avoid cliches, jargon & buzzwords
Avoid camouflaged verbs
Avoid hedging
Avoid wordiness & redundancies
Avoid starting with “it is” & “there is/are” when “it” and “there” don’t clearly refer to anything
Use one topic per paragraph