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PrivateArt11555 Reply to at least two of your classmates that offered you a point…Reply to at least two of your classmates that offered you a point of view that you didn’t think of but agree with.FIRST REPLYThe plays from reduce Shakespeare company clips give concept and easy to understand comedic summarized reenactments from Shakespeare’s original written plays. Both reenactments gave an easy-to-understand modified 21st century reflection of the older word for word written plays. Keeping the audience entertained and engaged through both plays was what allowed for not only one’s attention to grasp better understanding but also for this comedic story to unfold between Whitty banter. Allowing for me to understand the main characters views. Their version of the play made it much more enjoyable due to the characters being played by two male leads, one as Romeo and the other Juliet. Costuming gave their overall stage presence depth from the theatrical performance. The use of the stage gives insight for the overall storyline played by the stage actors, leaving room for comedic Romeo & Juliet part 1 of 2, captivates the audience’s attention on what characters are coming into play. The story is directed from the start leaving no one in the audience unaware of where the story first takes place. Having someone on stage introducing the play  as an interdictory for the audience’s greater grasp on what actor will be playing what role. Narrating the story play by play, making sure everyone can understand what is being reenacted. Already knowing Romeo & Juliets story line having to produce a play myself in my past schooling, I was able to enjoy a different take on the concept of another storyteller’s re-written play  and modifications for overall better understanding.  One example from Romeo & Juliets clip, giving better understanding was the narrating told from the scripted introduction. As for Hamlet, it gave better understanding when they brought someone from the audience on stage giving her direction and insight on the Ofelia character she was going to be playing. Summing up what was needed from her, giving a sneak look into the character being brought into play. I enjoyed how they could bring their audience on stage, keeping everyone coherent and involved. Gathering genuine reactions from their live audience in real time. Each clip shows what it might have been like inside a theater from the past, similar to the Elizabethan theaters the class has discussed earlier in one lecture. The only down fall to this production is the length of Hamlets reenactment. I think if it were a tad bit shorter the way the other play was, I would have followed along a bit better. They started to loose me halfway in.  SECOND REPLYWatching the Reduced Shakespeare Company’s production of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)” provided a unique and entertaining perspective on Shakespeare’s plays. These stories were much easier to follow the way they are presented. In Romeo and Juliet, the actors rapidly perform the entire play while summarizing it in just a few minutes. Because there were only two actors and a narrator, the actors quickly switch between characters and have exaggerated death scenes- they simplify the family feud and tragic love story. This approach helps the audience follow the story without getting bogged down in the language. My favorite part was when Juliet started throwing up from the poison and included the audience by grabbing and “throwing up” in someone’s hat.  In Hamlet, the video showcases how the company creatively handles one of Shakespeare’s longest and most complex plays. They summarize the plot while emphasizing Hamlet’s indecisiveness in a humorous way. One helpful moment is when they use Ophelia’s lines to explain her descent into madness, effectively summarizing a complicated subplot.Yes, I enjoyed their version of Shakespeare plays. The Reduced Shakespeare Company’s comedic and condensed approach added a fresh perspective to the classic works. Their use of humor and modern references made the plays more relatable and easier to grasp. While Shakespeare’s original texts can sometimes be challenging to understand due to the language and length, this production made the stories engaging and entertaining. It served as a great introduction to Shakespearean works and could appeal to both Shakespeare enthusiasts and those new to his plays.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish