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Reference to use  Newby, P. (2014). Research Methods for Education…

Reference to use 

Newby, P. (2014). Research Methods for Education. London: Routledge, pp. 340-342 (interviews); 347, 351-355 (observation); 60-63 (ethnography). 

Mukherji, P. and Albon, D. (2018). Research methods in early childhood: An introductory guide (3rd ed.). SAGE. 

Mukherji, P. & Albon, D. (2018). Research Methods in Early Childhood: An Introductory Guide. London: SAGE, pp. 70-74 and 144-149. 

Mukherji, P. & Albon, D. (2018). Research Methods in Early Childhood: An Introductory Guide. London: SAGE, pp. 70-74 and 92 -100 


Grace, R., Bowes, J. & Elcombe, E. (2014). Child Participation and Family Engagement with Early Childhood Education and Care Services in Disadvantaged Australian Communities. International Journal of Early Childhood, 46 (2), 271-298. 



you need to give a short answer  for each question below – there are four questions. The length of each response will depend on how much detail is required, and the weighting given to the question.

For each question you need to identify the feature in the article, then, provide brief detail, description, or explanation to justify your answer. This detail or description should include relevant information from the article expressed in your own words wherever possible. 

1.What methodology did the authors use to conduct their study – was it qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods? What are some of the features of their research that tell you the researchers used this methodology? 

Writing guide: Methodology – A well conceptualised and articulated discussion. Methodological features are discussed in-depth and there are conceptual connections made among them (as opposed to discussing each one separately etc). A good range of required readings are used, plus some extra references that are academically appropriate. No reliance on inserted quotes.

2.Describe the data collection methods that the researchers used to answer their research question – for example, did they use standardised surveys, in-depth interviews, online questionnaires etc? Did the data collection methods match the methodology of the study? What is it about the data collection methods that show that they match the methodology? 

Writing guide: Data collection methods – Data collection methods were examined in detail and related meaningfully to both the research article and methodology. Discussion was well organised and analytical, using a range of the required and suggested readings. Information was well synthesised and articulated in the student’s own words. 

3. What sampling strategy did the researchers use to decide who they would recruit for the study? What details from the article tell you it is this sampling strategy? 

Writing Guide – Sampling strategy – Response demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of relevant methodological concepts re sampling strategies and selection of participants. Comments were in- depth and conceptually well linked. Specific examples from the research article were meaningfully applied & also added depth to the literature-based comments. Info was very well organised & articulated in the student’s own words. Many of the required readings were used plus independently sought scholarly references. This info was brought together meaningfully

4.Summarise the major, overall findings from the researchers’ study (NOT the results from each type of data collected). How could you apply the findings of the research in your own practice? 

Writing guide Findings and reflection for practice – An astute and conceptually concise summary of the findings was presented in the student’s own words. This demonstrated an in- depth grasp of the research article and its implications for EC practice as per the study’s focus. Key issues and concepts underlying the results were discussed and we supported by literature-based comments. These were then examined in relation to the student’s centre, regarding both practice and philosophy or mission statement. Therefore, the student’s ability to relate theory to practice was strong. An excellent reflection.