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Reading Lesson Grade: K            Standard(s):  RL.K.1 -…

Reading Lesson

Grade: K           

Standard(s): RL.K.1 – With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text

Text: Title:                                                         Author:                                                     Pages: 

Discussion structure: Select one: Reciprocal teaching, Literature Circle, Socratic Seminar/Circle


Listening/Speaking Standard(s)   MCCS Vertical Alignment for Speaking and Listening 


Before reading

Set Purpose:  Explain how you will introduce to students ( This may be a new book, you might be starting a  new chapter, you might be in the middle of a chapter, and that would impact how you introduce and set the purpose for this reading lesson)



Activate Prior Knowledge: What background knowledge needs to be activated? How will you do that? 


Word Work: (This may or may not be appropriate depending on grade level – use NA if not appropriate ) What words or skills will you need to address? Blends? Sight words? 

Vocabulary Words:

Which words need to be explicitly taught?  


Explain how you will help students develop the concepts. Will you present prior to reading? Will you give them the definitions? Will you present them in sentences with context clues? Will you use pictures? Would knowing antonyms or synonyms help? Will you play a game? 



During reading 

Explain how the text will be read. By the teacher to the whole class – read aloud? Choral reading?  On a chrome book? By students independently, with a partner, small group, or with you during reading group? 




Explain how the students will process the text while reading. Oral questions from teacher during reading? Reciprocal teaching?  Graphic organizer? Written questions? Template? Notes? 




Questions to be answered during reading. Provide at least 4 questions of varying levels of cognitive domain that would be appropriate to ask during the reading. (If you are doing reciprocal teaching, what questions would be appropriate per the role of each student?)

After Reading

Explain how you would embed student discussion of the text after reading. (Reciprocal teaching, Lit Circle, Socratic Seminar/Circle) What would be the focus of the discussion? 



How will students demonstrate mastery of the reading standard?

How will feedback be provided to students? 


Writing Lesson to support/extend reading comrehension





Prompt: Topic, Audience, Purpose, Format – Provide a copy of the prompt you will present to students. Remember, this should support the reading assignment. 






Pre-writing Organizer: Provide diagram



Structure for revising: Explain the revision process for this lesson. 


Structure for editing: Explain the editing process for this lesson. 



How will they publish their work (final draft)? 


Structure for sharing: How will students share their writing? 



Rubric:   Provide the rubric used to grade the writing assignment. 









EDU 243 Methods of Reading Instruction – Final Project Template

Course outcomes: b, d,e, i, j 

We have explored how reading and writing are two sides of the same coin. It is essential that we use them to support each other, and that we help students see the powerful connections. 

Your final project asks you to apply what you have learned about various methods of teaching reading and writing as you prepare an integrated reading and writing lesson. 


Throughout this course, we have explored how children learn to read and write and how we can provide strategies and opportunities to help them grow and develop as readers and writers. We have also learned about the importance of oral language and background knowledge as they impact our students in these areas. 

As a way to coalesce your understanding of how these parts all work together to build reading and writing skills, your final project is to develop an integrated reading and writing lesson with a speaking/listening component.  


1. Select a standard for the lesson. 

2. Select a text (read-aloud, chapter or pages from a novel, guided reading text, article, etc)

3. Once you decide what you will be teaching, use the template to plan your lessons. 

4. Complete the template thoroughly. When it says “Explain”, be specific and thorough. 

5. Write summary explaining how your integrated reading and writing lesson illustrates these key points from the course…

oral language supports reading and writing skills
reading fluency is the bridge to comprehension
background knowledge and vocabulary support reading comprehension skills
writing is a way to process thinking
speaking and listening skills need to be explicitly taught
make connections to resources and content from the course