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Read through all three of the anecdotal records. Make an opening…

Read through all three of the anecdotal records. Make an opening statement about how old you believe the child to be and explain why you think so. Provide details from the anecdotal records that lead you to this inference. i.e., What details did you read that helped you make the decision about the child’s age? Find information in the textbook and course resources that support your decision. Connect the details about the child in the anecdotal records with the information in the textbook and class readings. (




#1: Social Interactions
Observer: Seneca ECE student Date: November 14, 2022 Pre-observation information:

There are 19 children from 6 to 13 years in the Community Gardens After School Program. They attend this program from 3:15 to 6:00pm and come from 3 neighbourhood schools. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are two RECEs and two ECE students from Seneca College with the children.

Purpose of Observation/Record: To study one child’s social development skills through their peer interactions.

Child’s Name: Mai Li
Time of observation: 3:15 – 3:30 Context:

The first group of students has arrived at the after-school program site. 8 children are in the main room. Some are sitting at the snack table and 5 children are at the homework tables, already opening backpacks and taking out books.


Mai Li is sitting at the table where the children usually have snack. There are two other girls at the table talking to each other. One of these girls asks the ECE “how long until we get snack'”? The ECE in the room responds “It will probably be about 30 to 40 minutes because we have to wait for the other two groups to get here”. The girl turns to her friend and says “Okay we have time for a few games of Connect Four before snack. We can  our homework later”. These two girls get up and move away from the table. Mai Li remains at the table, sitting on a chair that is pulled up and has her hands clasped together in front of her on top of the table. Her feet are swinging slightly under the chair. She seems to be calm and remains quiet. She appears to be watching the other children in the room. The ECE walks by and says “Hi Mai Li, how are you doing”? Mai Li answers in a clear voice “Hi. I am good”. She watches the ECE move across the room. Mai Li is



facing the door into the room and when the door opens she sits straight up with a big smile on her face. The other ECE enters the room and the door swings shut. Mai Li seems to sigh. After a few more minutes there is a commotion in the hall, the door is opened and 7 more children enter the room. Mai Li quickly gets up and moves towards the group of children. She starts talking in a strong, clear voice “why are you late? I didn’t know why you were not here”. She stands in front of another girl, Child A, and continues to talk excitedly while touching the arm and hands of Child A. “I know, we were so slow walking today” says Child A. Child A takes off her coat and backpack while Mai Li talks to her. “We can sit at the snack table, I don’t know what is for snack but Ms. K. says we have to wait foreverybody”. As the girls move away from the coat hooks, Child A walks towards the art table. “Are we going to draw a picture”? asks Mai Li? “Can I see what you are drawing”? Child A responds quietly and Mai Li claps her hands and seems to do a bit of a skip and dance step in apparent excitement. Child A asks the ECE if she can go to the bathroom. Mai Li follows the child to the door when the ECE says “Mai Li you have to wait in here. Child A will be right back, just be patient”. Mai Li wanders around for two minutes close to the door and again brightens up when Child A returns. She can be heard chatting in a clear and happy sounding voice.



#2: Games with Rules

Observer: Seneca ECE student Date: November 16, 2022

Pre-observation information:

There are 19 children aged 6 to 13 in the Community Gardens After School Program. They attend this program from 3:15 to 6:00pm and come from 3 neighbourhood schools. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are two RECEs and two ECE students from Seneca College with the children.

Purpose of Observation/Record: To study one child’s social and cognitive skills while playing a game with rules with ECEs and peers.

Child’s Name: Mai Li
Time of Observation: 4:20 to 4:45

Three girls and one of the ECEs are sitting at the table after snack has been cleared away.


“Who wants to play a card game”? asks the ECE. “Me me” says Mai Li. The other two girls also want to play. “Do any of you know any card games”? asks the ECE. Mai Li says “matching, that is a good game”. “Okay I will set up a matching game with the cards” says the ECE. She proceeds to place 20 cards, face down on the table in a grid pattern. Before she is finished setting the cards up Mai Lireaches in and turns one over. “Wait Mai Li we are not ready to start yet” says the ECE. When the cards are all out on the table Mai Li says “now you have to go and get two cards that are the same. Then they go together in your pile”. Child A is told to go first and she picks up one card and places it on the table in front of her. The ECE explains that the cards must stay in the same spot and that the girls are to just turn them over and look at them. Child A puts the one card back, turns over another card. “No match” yells Mai Li. The ECE asks her to keep her voice



down. Mai Li takes a turn, flips two cards and there is no match. After each of the three girls take two turns there are still no matches. The ECE takes away 8 cards so there are only 12 left, in order to simplify the game.
Child A takes another turn and flips one card. Mai Li says “I know where the match is” and flips the matching card. “There you go, now you have a match”. The ECE explains that Mai Li should let Child A take her own turn. “I was just helping cuz I knew that one” responds Mai Li. The game continues with the ECE often reminding the three girls whose turn it is and how to follow the rules.
When Mai Li turns over the last pair which gives her three pairs in total, she hands the cards to the child that only has one pair. “Now we all have two” says Mai Li as she claps her hands.



#3 Stages of friendship

Observer/Interviewer: Seneca ECE student Date: November 18, 2022

Pre-observation information:

There are 19 children ages 6 to 13 in the Community Gardens After School Program. They attend this program from 3:15 to 6:00pm and come from 3 neighbourhood schools. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are two RECEs and two ECE students from Seneca College with the children.

Purpose of Observation/Record: To study one child’s social development and friendships through a brief interview process.

Child’s Name: Mai Li
Time of Interview: 5:00 to 5:05 Context:

Mai Li is one of the last children in the room to be picked up and appears to be getting restless. The ECE student asks Mai Li if she would like to help her out and answer some questions. Mai Li agrees and approaches the ECE student and sits on the mat on the floor.

Interviewer: Thanks for helping me Mai Li. I am trying to learn about children

and friends. Do you have any friends? Can you think of one of your friends?

Mai Li: Jenna is my friend. She just left with her mom. Do you want to talk to her?

Interviewer: No that is fine. I would like you to tell me about why she is your friend?

Mai Li: We play together at Community Gardens. She is a girl like me and she is my friend.



Interviewer: Can you tell me what you do together? What do friends do?

Mai Li: We ride on the bikes in the yard and we do art and we play cards. Her favorite colour is red and pink just like me. She has a red coat but mine is purple. (slight frown on her face as she appears to be thinking).

Interviewer: Is there anything else you can tell me about what friends do? Mai Li: No. I don’t know when my mom is coming.

Interviewer: She should be here very soon. Thank you for answering my questions.